Night Music

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"Another round of compliments to the producer!" Corie's assistant, Zari beamed as the musicians exited the studio, thrilled with the final mixes.

Corie sank into her chair, flashing a weary thumbs up. She loved the adrenaline rush of record production, molding raw talent into shining hits. Lately, though, the nonstop schedule drained her.

"I'm beat. Heading home to some wine and jams." She waved goodbye to Zari.

The familiar ritual awaited: pouring a glass while scrolling through playlists. Tonight a melancholy piano piece echoed her mood. Finally, in comfy clothes, Corie sank into the couch. As the music swelled beautifully, her mind wandered...

Sharp rapping at the door jolted her awake, wine dripping down her hand. Bleary-eyed, she made for the bathroom to clean up. Must've dozed off, but that song, eerie yet comforting—still echoed faintly.

Over the next week, Corie fell into the pattern. Long hours at the studio, collapsing on her couch with wine. But each night that haunting melody welcomed her into restless dreams. She had to hear more.

On a moonless night, guitar strains mixed with the phantom tune, drawing her onto the shadowy street. They twined irresistibly, leading her forward until a decrepit house emerged halfway down the block. 

Strange. She had never noticed it before. Yet tonight, warm light spilled from the dusty windows. The music seemed to issue from within. Heart racing, Corie knocked before she could think better of it.

The knob rattled and with an ancient groan, the door creaked open. Framed in flickering light stood a stooped figure in voluminous black robes. He had to bend sharply to avoid scraping his bald head on the doorframe. A pendant bearing a raven sigil dangled from his neck.

"What brings you here?" The man's voice rumbled deeply. His dark eyes gleamed from sunken sockets as he looked Corie up and down.

She shivered but summoned her courage. "That song...I've heard it echoing at night lately. It led me here. What is this place?"

"Ahh yes, you heard my dirges." His lip curled. 

"I am Gamayun, keeper of visions and their herald in song, for those troubled by such things."

He opened the door wider with a skeletal hand. "Please, do come in. If you aren't too easily disturbed."

Corie hesitated on the threshold. This was madness yet the promise of unraveling the song's mystery compelled her forward.

Inside candles dripped over bizarre taxidermies and macabre artwork. But besides the décor, it resembled a normal old house.

Gamayun sank into an ancient armchair by the fireplace and gestured for Corie to sit. She perched uneasily on a dusty Victorian fainting couch.

"So...Gamayun. What exactly are you?" she ventured.

The firelight flickered across his sunken eyes and hollow cheeks as he steepled his fingers. 

"I am no longer of your earthly realm. Once I drifted on the cosmic tides, observing grim fates and singing prophecies so those with ears to hear might alter their destinies. Few heeded my warnings though."

He flashed a toothless grin. 

"But my legend persists. Perhaps a demonstration?"

Suddenly Gamayun bolted upright, throwing his arms wide. Corie recoiled as his body distended, robes melting into oil-slick feathers. Hands withered into arched wings sweeping majestically as with a shriek, a massive raven with a woman's head manifested before her. Soulless black eyes fixed on Corie, rooting her in terrified awe.

"Now do you see?" It cawed. 

"I am Gamayun. I foresaw Russia's doom by fire long before the revolution's first sparks flew."

Corie's chest heaved. She had to flee this nightmare. Slowly she slid from the couch but the creature beat its wings, blocking her path to the door.

"Have you no vision?" it shrieked. 

"Let me divine your future in these bones."

It jabbed a jagged beak at small carcasses roasting in the hearth, releasing an awful burnt stench. Corie gagged, eyes watering as she scrambled away.

"I should go,"

"Nevermore," It pursued her, feathers hissing along the floorboards.

"You cannot leave until I recite your fate as it has been shown to me!"

It reared up then, fixing her in its terrible gaze. Spreading its wings, Gamayun sang in a bone-chilling tone:

"Corie, Corie, night and day

Destruction stalks your way

Lose the gift that you hold dear

Then disappear!"

The last shrill note echoed through Corie's mind.

"You see now child, why I sang the dirge that so brought you here," the raven croaked.

"The wheels are in motion. But you did not heed my warning soon enough."

Its feathers smoked away, leaving the bent form of Gamayun behind. He shuffled to the front door.

"I wish you luck on your dark path ahead." His face was etched with sadness. 

"Now, you must away. My home offers no sanctuary for you now."

He opened the door. Corie backed out in a daze onto the step, his prophecy pounding in her ears.

"Wait, I don't understand—" she stammered.

Gamayun silenced her with one bony finger to his waxen lips. "Hush. It is too late." 

The door creaked softly shut, leaving Corie alone with her racing thoughts.

She turned for home, shaken. Then she froze. Her neck felt oddly bare.

Frantically she grasped her neck, finding only smooth skin where moments before had hung her grandmother's pendant, her most treasured keepsake.

Gamayun's song crashed over her: "Lose the gift that you hold dear..."

Then the studio accident Zari described days later, the raven's cries echoing over the line as Corie saw all she had built going up in smoke, the dreadful purpose of Gamayun's prophecy finally clicked into place.

She recalled his somber last warning: "You cannot remain here!"

As the truth dawned, Corie knew with chilling certainty that she had to disappear.


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