Spider-Girl has a panic attack ft Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff

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The air was thick with tension as the trio navigated through the dimly lit corridors of an abandoned Hydra facility. Wanda Maximoff, with her scarlet eyes glowing, moved gracefully, using her telekinetic powers to disable security systems and clear the path. Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow, trailed behind her, executing precise strikes on any unsuspecting guards that crossed their way.

Y/N Parker, known as Spider-Girl, swung effortlessly between the walls, her agility matching that of her brother, Peter, the famed Spider-Man. The mission had brought them back to a place that haunted Y/N's nightmares, the place where Hydra had once held her captive.

As they reached a dimly lit room, memories flooded back, and Y/N's breath hitched. She could almost hear the distant echoes of her own cries from the past. The room seemed to close in, and the air turned heavy. Wanda and Natasha, engrossed in neutralizing threats, failed to notice the subtle shift in Y/N's demeanour.

A sudden explosion echoed through the facility, snapping Y/N back to the present. The enemies had found them, and chaos erupted. Wanda conjured barriers to deflect bullets, while Natasha gracefully twisted her body, avoiding incoming attacks. Y/N swung into action, her heightened senses allowing her to anticipate movements.

Amid the chaos, the teenager felt a shiver race down her spine, an icy hand gripping her heart. The memories of Hydra's experiments, the isolation, and the pain resurfaced, overwhelming her. She tried to shake off the haunting thoughts, but they clung to her like a suffocating fog.

Wanda, engrossed in her own battle, threw a barrage of energy at their adversaries. Natasha, displaying her trademark acrobatics, flipped over an opponent, delivering a swift kick to the back of their head. But in the midst of the fight, they remained oblivious to Y/N's struggle.

A sudden, searing pain tore through Y/N's shoulder. She gasped, the pain jolting her back to the present. A bullet had grazed her, leaving a trail of blood. She stumbled, the weight of the memories and the physical pain combining into a debilitating force.

Wanda, sensing the disturbance in the air, turned her attention to Y/N. Her eyes widened as she took in the sight of Y/N, clutching her bleeding shoulder, breaths coming in ragged gasps. Natasha, too, noticed the sudden change and the blood-staining Y/N's costume.

Natasha - Y/N!

Natasha's voice cut through the chaos, concern etched across her face.

Wanda's eyes flared with Scarlet Witch energy as she surveyed the room. The enemies had just made a grave mistake. They had hurt one of their own.

In an instant, Wanda's power surged, creating a whirlwind of chaos that incapacitated their rivals. Natasha, her movements now driven by a fierce mama bear protective instinct, dispatched the remaining threats with deadly precision.

Wanda rushed to Y/N's side, her hands glowing with a soft, healing light. 

Wanda - Sweetheart, what happened? *mix of worry and anger in her tone*

Natasha joined them, her eyes narrowing at the blood on Y/N's shoulder. 

Natasha - Did they do this to you, baby? *growls*

Y/N, still grappling with the remnants of her panic, managed to choke out just one sentence. 

Y/N - I'm okay, just a graze.

Wanda's gaze bore into Y/N's eyes, her empathetic powers sensing the turmoil within. 

Wanda - No lies, honey. We're here for you. *softly smiles*

The weight of the unspoken past hung in the air, and Y/N felt a lump form in her throat. She couldn't hold it back any longer. The memories, the fear, the pain... it all came crashing down.

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