THE Date

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“You did not go on a date with Riki,” was the first thing Heeseung said that night, in their dreams.

“Well…” Sunghoon felt like playing around.

“No.” Heeseung was firm. “No, you were just… chaperoning, you two weren’t on a date.” He insisted while pouting and Sunghoon couldn’t keep up the act.

“It wasn’t a date,” Sunghoon smiled, he really liked when their dream placed them somewhere outside, like the park they were at.

“I can’t believe he got a picture of you before I did…” Heeseung continued complaining. “I can’t believe he met you before I did,” he huffed, “this wasn’t how the double date was supposed to go.”

“But isn’t this good? Our friend groups are merging, so we’ll definitely meet now,” Sunghoon commented.

“We were already going to meet, for our date!” Heeseung claimed, making Sunghoon’s heart skip a beat or two. “U-unless you don’t want to? I mean, we had agreed, but maybe you didn’t— I wouldn’t—”

“I want to go on a date with you so much it hurts,” Sunghoon admitted. He didn’t feel scared being direct because he knew Heeseung wanted that. They walked hand in hand, not paying attention to their destination, knowing fully well that the part would continue infinitely. He wondered how different it’d feel to hold Heeseung’s hand in the waking world. “How far away do we live from each other?” Sunghoon asked, suddenly. “We’ve never seen each other before, right? But we can’t live that far away if Jongseong and Jungwon matched on that dating app…”

“I hadn’t thought about that,” Heeseung said absently. “Should we get each other’s numbers? Will we remember them when we wake up? Maybe I should tell Jongseong to give it to Jungwon…” Heeseung pondered, maybe getting a little ahead of himself.

“No,” Sunghoon refused instantly. “Jungwon will hold it against me and will demand things from me in exchange for the number,” he sighed. “Oh, wait, Riki has my number,” he commented, remembering how the date had ended.

“What?” Heeseung groaned. “He got a date, several pictures and your number before me? This is so unfair…”

“Stop complaining and ask him for my number,” Sunghoon lightly pushed Heeseung to the side. “I really want to meet you out of here…” Sunghoon said timidly.

When he woke up, thanks to his alarm, Sunghoon felt anxious and excited. He couldn’t wait for Heeseung’s text. At the very least, even if they don’t end up going on a date right away, he’d get to speak to Heeseung while awake. This would solidify the fact that Heeseung was real. Sure, Riki had confirmed it, and Jongseong had too, but with this he’d have evidence of his own. With this, Sunghoon realised, he’d get everything he wanted. It didn’t come without doubt and fear, since it was possible that Heeseung wasn’t the same in their dreams and in real life.

It took several hours after he had woken up for Sunghoon to get a text from Heeseung. It was awkward and jittery, with a lot of extra words and explanations as well as an apology for taking so long to message. Sunghoon was terribly endeared. He was also terribly scared, because now he had to answer something back. Despite his trepidations, their conversation soon settled into what it was like in their dreams, easy and comfortable. Soon, Sunghoon was giggling and blushing at his phone like a fool, much to Jungwon and Sunoo’s irritation. That, however, didn’t compare to how he’d gotten once they set a date to meet.

“I was not this bad before meeting Jay-hyung,” Jungwon complained, watching as Sunghoon compared shirts and paired them up with different pants.

“He’s a guy from a dating app; this is literally my boyfriend,” Sunghoon argued, though he had a feeling Jungwon thought that should calm him down. “I need to cause a good impression.”

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