Chapter 1- Moony

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Hello and welcome to the first chapter of "I Solemnly Swear That I'm Up To No Good..." and I hope you will all enjoy it!

Moony's POV:

"Don't stay out too late, Remus," my mother said as she brushed her blonde hair out of her light blue eyes. The smile she smiled when she said these words managed to make the frown on my face reverse into a pleasant smile.

"I won't," and with that I walk out of the front garden and down the street but not before turning back to wave to my mother. I am supposed to be meeting my friends at the local park however I am a bit late. I break into a run. I turn the corner. I freeze.

A body covered in blood lay on the floor, the ghost of his last scream etched upon his face. Dark red liquid surrounded the victim's body like a cloak and the front of his body was torn open by a brute force. I try to scream but no noise comes from my mouth. It seems as if every cell in my body had frozen and it took a great deal of effort to even make myself blink. Crouched next to the body was a nightmare. A werewolf with blood dripping off of its fingers turned to face me and I finally found my voice. I screamed louder than I ever had before and in the distance I heard tires screeching and footsteps drawing closer. I didn't have time to run before the creature latched itself onto my arm and dug its jaws into my flesh. My scream became more distorted as tears started streaming down my face and before the thing could continue to devour me a gunshot went off.

I wake with a start, my heart pounding in my chest, sweat dripping down my face. I stare at my left arm and think about the dream. If only it was just a dream. Today is September 1st and that means I am finally returning to Hogwarts to see Padfoot, Prongs and Wormtail. Brushing off the horrid dream, I clamber out of bed and get ready to travel to Kingscross Station.

As I go to double check that I have packed all my things, I look on my table and see the moving picture of the marauders on Christmas. Sirius is ruffling James hair and James is shoving him off whilst laughing; I have my arm around Sirius shoulder and am high fiving Peter at the same time who has the broadest smile on his face. I sigh. It's been a while since I have seen them, but that's going to change today.

James went to Japan with his parents this summer and every week he has been sending me postcards, mockingly bragging about how amazing he and his holiday is whilst I was at home in rainy England. He has however promised to bring me back some gifts so I'm not going to complain.

This year, like the last, Sirius went to France with his family but he doesn't seem to speak much about his family in the letters he sends unlike James. Sirius, being a part of a well-known pureblood family is expected to speak various languages and be very smart and that was the reason for his trip to France.

The Pettigrew family had saved up a lot of money and had finally been allowed to take Peter to America seeing as he couldn't speak another language. He sent me photos of him at various landmarks and all the sweets he could afford to take with him, and gradually, with every picture he took his face became more freckly instead of tanned like Sirius and James.

It's going to be great seeing them again after so long. I grab my now full to the brim trunk and drag it down the stairs behind me making a lot of noise as I do so. I leave my trunk by the front door and let my nose lead me to the kitchen where I smelt my mother, Hope, cooking bacon and eggs. My father was sitting at the table reading "Werewolves: Be a"were" "for the millionth time for the slightest bit of hope that the other times he read it he missed something about a cure. The attempt is futile and I'm sure he knows it but he keeps trying. My father's name is Lyall and he is quite tall, with black hair with patches of grey here and there. He wears big rimmed glasses and he ever so often pushes them up his nose as he reads. My mother also at first wanted to find a way to cure me and we sent hundreds on hiring the best doctors to find a way to return me back to normal but nothing worked. After that my mother realised that nothing could be done. My mother looks a lot younger than my dad but in actual fact she is two years older. She has long blonde hair with blue twinkling eyes that remind me of Professor Dumbledore. She too is tall and thin.

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