Chapter 7- Padfoot

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Ahh it's been so long since I've uploaded. I would give you an excuse but I'm too lazy of think of one so I'm just gonna give you the new chapter instead.

Padfoot's POV:

Why does every Divination lesson seem to last an eternity?

"Apparently" it's only been 5 minutes since I have last looked up at the clock but it feels like it's been an hour. Those supposed five minutes have been spent looking at a circular ball of glass and taking down useless notes about how, in James' crystal ball, the darker grey swirls mean death is approaching; the lighter grey equals death; and the white swirls represent- you guessed it- death. It's a very morbid lesson to say the least.

"Sorry, Jamie, but no matter how I look at this I think you might end up dead," I say with mock seriousness. He and Peter just snigger. I sigh loudly and exaggeratedly, "How long is this damned lesson going to last for?" James laughs once again and Peter goes to say something in return but, as he looks at something behind me, he quickly zips up his mouth and looks at the ground. James too stops laughing abruptly leaving me confused. "What is it now? Is the grim behi-"


I turn around and see Trelawney right behind me with an utterly aghast expression upon her face. She opens her mouth and I get ready to hear a lecture about how I should "respect the arts of divination" and how I should "not take the subject too lightly" but instead she raises an arm and points at James' crystal ball full of monochromatic swirls.

She appears to be in some sort of trance as her movements no longer seem smooth and fluent as they are rather jagged and sharp instead. She roughly shoves me aside and kneels down next to the crystal ball. I wince in pain as I fall of my chair and the class's attention quickly focuses on our table in the middle of the room. They all stare at Trelawney in her weird state.

"Professor?" James asks wearily, "Are you al-"

Suddenly, Trelawney takes a huge, raspy intake of breath and her green eyes roll to the back of her head. James shoves himself and his chair back away from her in shock nearly falling over and Peter copies his actions, completely frightened. The class also involuntarily retreat away from her, scrambling over chairs and even each other until they hurriedly left the room leaving only James, Peter and I who are too shocked to move. Her hands start clawing at the table leaving long, serrated marks in the mahogany and her arm start to shake violently as though she is being possessed. Then somehow the atmosphere in the room begins to change. An immense amount of pressure suddenly springs up around all of us in the room, making it incredibly hard to breathe let alone stand up and leave the room. My chest heaves, desperately trying to steal some oxygen before my ribcage gives up but the air seems to be fighting against me so I end up coughing and choking instead. James and Peter are in a similar state. The pressure isn't the only thing that is changing. A mysterious grey mist fills the room from Trelawney as she carries on gasping and every part of my being hopes that what we have learnt in Divination so far isn't true and that grey really doesn't actually symbolise death...

Then suddenly she starts to speak.

"More than one shall suffer tonight,

As humans aren't too terribly bright,

For as the silver sphere rises over the land,

The fateful ones will have to disband,

As creatures aren't the only ones that roam the lands..."

She blinks a few times and everything is back to normal. The mist disappears in the blink of an eye and all of a sudden I can breathe again. I heave and gasp trying to take in oxygen before it's all taken away from me again.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2016 ⏰

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