Chapter one

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(Suddenly) a juicy meatball is thrown. "Oh.., your on!" said Alex as he grabbed a bowl of noodles, and then the food fight begun.

An attractive brunette walks through the hallway with two blondes beside her like legitimate bodyguards. She approached the cafeteria door and her followers pushed it open. They stood and watched in amazement the level of chaos occurring, pieces of food were flung all around the cafeteria. Rich creamy noodles were thrown leafy salads and lettuce wraps were squished on the tables, and empty soda cans and juice boxes where littered all over the floor.

Suddenly a plate of sauced mashed potatoes was thrown in their direction and splattered on her silky primrose dress. The cafeteria became as quiet as a grave yard. Dead silent and no one made a single sound.

She screamed in frustration and said, "Oh my God! Are you guys crazy?!!"

"Calm down Iris." said her blonde minions reassuringly.

"How can I be calm..., who did this?" asked Iris still furious.

Immediately everyone turned to Benjamin, the one who commenced the food fight in the first place. Iris and her gang stomped towards him, while Benjamin crossed his arms in annoyance.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" yelled Iris angrily.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" mimicked Benjamin mockingly.

"What did just you say?!" growled Iris.
"Are you deaf?" sneered Benjamin.

"How dare you?!" huffed Iris as her minions crossed their arms and stared at him in annoyance.

"You know, for a light headed person you sure talk a lot." smirked Benjamin as everyone burst out laughing. Iris was fuming and her minions gasped.

Unexpectedly the cafeteria doors flew open and the principal walked in, she was wearing a corporate lavender top and a straight black skirt with lilac colored pumps.

"What's going on here?" she asked sternly.

Immediately everyone dispersed leaving Benjamin and Iris standing alone.
"Both of you to my office, RIGHT NOW!"
Benjamin shoved Iris aside and stormed out of the cafeteria.

* * *
The principal walked into her office to see Benjamin with his feet relaxed on her desk and Iris sitting on the chair beside him. She sits behind her desk and pushes his feet off it.

"What happened back there? You two turned the cafeteria into a mad house!"

"The only one mad in there was Iris" Benjamin said to the principal.

Iris saw a golden opportunity to get back at him, so she said with fake tears in her eyes.

"He's hurting me" she sobbed.

"If it was that easy to hurt you, your better of not even existing." sneered Benjamin.

"People like you don't even deserve to exist anyways." Iris screeched.

"Enough!" scolded the principal as she slammed her fist on her desk.

Once again Iris burst into false tears, "He's so mean to me"


"That's enough Benjamin" snapped the principal "Bullying is not tolerated in this school, that's detention young man.''

"What about Iris, doesn't she get a punishment" Benjamin asked.

"Why would she? She didn't do anything wrong" the principal responded.

"What the hell?! That's unfair."

"I don't care, what you did is wrong" she concluded ''!"

Benjamin walked out furiously slamming the door behind him.

* * *

Iris strolled through the hallway, and unexpectedly she was approached by her minions, Sophia and Francisca.

"What happened back there?" they both asked in unison.

Suddenly she burst into laughter "You should have seen the look on his face, it was priceless."

"So what happened?" asked Francisca curiously.

"Okay so I acted all hurt and emotional, and as expected Principal Mariam fell for it, she instantly took my side and Benjamin got detention" replied Iris as she swayed her hair smirking.

"Awesome, that'll teach him not to mess with you." Sophia said as she high fived Francisca.

Iris turned around to leave and notices someone in a grey sweater crouching behind a locker next to them. She pauses and snaps her fingers signaling her minions to walk towards the person. All of a sudden they drag him out with a swift pull.

"Where you eavesdropping on us?" asked Iris in an annoyed tone.

"No, no I swear I wasn't." he hurriedly replied still startled.

"Who is this dweeb anyways?" Sophia asked in a sassy tone.

"He's George the new foreign exchange student." answered Francisca.

But Iris and Sophia looked at her with a confused expression on their faces.

"Remember he's in our chemistry class" sighed Francisca.

Iris looked at him, he was shaking in fear obviously still trying to process what just happened.

"Come on let's go." she said and her and her minions turned to leave, leaving George standing there dumbfounded.

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