Chapter 10

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Luaren's P.O.V.
I went downstairs. "ALLY WE NEED TO TALK" I yelled. "YOU MADE MY SOON TO BE WIFE CUT AGIAN". "your soon to be wife I had no idea she cut .... I'm sorry". "WHY WHAT DID YOU SAY TO HER UGH IM SO MAD AT YOU ALLY YOUR LUCKY I HAVE CAMILA OR ELSE YOU WOULD BE DEAD". "I said w......why wo....would want a...a kid....d w...with th.....the gender"?

Camila's P.O.V.
"DINAH JANE HANSEN COME HERE PLEASE". I yelled. "What do you want Camila. "D....did I.....I h...hear L....Luaren correct wants mar...rrry m.....meeeeee"? "Yes you did hear her correct , she wants to marry you one day soon". "Luaren come here"! "Yeah"? "You w.....want t...toooo ma...rrryyyyy m....meeeee"? "Well there's no better time to ask. Karla Camila Cabello I never thought about doing this before but a while ago I was thinking in my room that " do I love her or not ?" I never thought i would have any better of a relationship in the world and somehow you managed to make that happen when we kissed I felt a million fireworks go off inside me........ Would you Karla Camila Cabello marry me"? " YES LUAREN A MILLION YESES....."!

Emmalynn and Emalee's P.O.V.
Cameewa and wuren are gettin maweed and are having a baby! I nohhhh I not tupid. Buwt they no talk to us tat much anymoe. I nohh buwt we stiwll haves the osher girwls.

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