Second Entry

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Entry; Number 002

January 20, 2015

Second Entry.
I'm afraid this past week hasn't been so delightful, but very eventful? Does that count? No, that's what I'm guessing you're saying we'll looking down at this piece of crumpled up paper.
My math teacher Miss. Dane, most likely the most transphobic person to ever live on the spec of a planet, spoke to me, in front of the class. She put a quick math question on the board, with the touch of her long nasty red nails. She pointed at me.
"Oh Alex, answer this."
I responded with a groan, "It's not Alex. It's Alice. But I will answer you-."
She cut me off, making the situation ten times worse.
"You're a man. Why can't you just realize it? God, children these days think they know everything about themselves." She turned around, facing the board again.
"Because, I'm Alice. I'm Alice.I will always be fucking Alice!" The students in my class finally turned, facing my direction. She turned back, blanked eyed.
"And what the hell gives you the right to even call me Alex?!" I'm beginning to scream a bit.
"How do you know you're a girl? Huh! You don't get to call me by anything, you don't get to tell me who I fucking am! I get to! Never you, never people like you!" Students looked at me, shocked that I would even say something like that, I barely spoke. And now I'm cursing a teacher.
Miss Dane starred at me. Dead silence filled the room as she turned lifted up a piece of chalk, blue chalk. She wrote, and I quote. Man. With scratchy, fearful writing. Anger built up my body, I'm fine. Repeated in my mind. I slowly got up from my seat, walking slowly to the front of my class. She looked at me, looking at what I was about to do. I grab a pink piece of chalk. I looked her in the eyes, then wrote neatly. And largely, man. I snapped the piece of chalk in my hands, then quickly left the room.
I was called to the principles office 5 times before I moved from were I was standing. The middle of the hallway, starring into classrooms.
How does everyone just go on? With they're gender, they're so happy or completely content with themselves? I don't know how they do it, but hell. Give me a lesson.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2015 ⏰

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