What Is Mediapolis/Miscellanea Series About?

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My series goes by either Mediapolis or Miscellanea. The stories are about the main characters going on adventures, making new friends, bonding with their friends, and also encouraging their new friends to enroll in the school. Stories will be created for many individual characters. Although Rose is the main character, she does not appear in many stories, because other characters play important roles and have their own adventures, too. Side characters will develop and form relationships and bonds with other characters. So more lore is building.

Now I shall talk about my inspirations. After all, every work borrows something. I am mainly inspired by series where characters meet characters from other movies and befriend them and go on adventures like Cherry's and Pooh's Adventures. Having OCs befriend your favorite characters is something that sounds very fun and interesting to me.

I have a couple ideas planned for Miscellanea. I'm wondering if I should have my characters go to the locations of shows and go on an adventure and then encourage those characters to enroll in Mediapolis school, or just keep smaller adventures and develop the character's personalities. I'm leaning towards the latter, but we'll see. I don't want to introduce too many characters.

Another inspiration of mine are lots of girly shows, like My Little Pony, Winx, and magical girl anime. Most of the characters in Miscellanea will be GIRLS. I love girly cartoons and the characters in them. I love innocent stories about friendship and kindness. So I want to write about that. This is also evident in my Ghost School series. I wanted to create a large circle of friends that have perfect friendships all together while bonding with each other individually. As I said before, this is also in Ghost School. I just love stories about friendship. My friends are very special to me.

A recent minor inspiration has been the anime/manga Oniisama e, or Dear Brother, which I have just recently completed reading as of writing this(I'm currently watching the anime). This anime has all girl characters besides 2 boys. Again, I love girly cartoons and shows, and I also love shows that are about characters' relationships in a slice of life/drama setting. This is what Dear Brother is. Dear Brother is also LGBTQ, and as I am growing older and experiencing changes in my sexuality, I am going to hint lesbian romances in my stories and there will be official ones(not saying who yet). I will also introduce male characters into the series and there will be more relationships. If you don't like romance, don't worry though--since these characters are only in middle school, their relationships won't be much! Also because writing romance is kind of a weakness for me. Everything will be PG. The least kid friendly thing in Miscellanea is the minor swearing.

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