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I know there are a lot of characters already, especially in one of the first books, Welcome To Mediapolis. So here are the current friend groups(The ages listed are the ages of the character during Welcome to Mediapolis/beginning of the First Year):

-Rose has a close group of friends, although each one will be individually introduced. These friends are Darla Dimple(Darla Temple in this series; Cats Don't Dance)(11), Darlene Watterson(OC)(12), Margot Carson(OC)(13), Mandy(Billy & Mandy)(11), and Kurumi Mimino(Precure)(12).
-Rose greatly admires Darla and treats her like a celebrity, which annoys her. Darla sees Rose as a wise older sister. Rose gets boy advice from her.
-Darlene brings out the chaos in Rose. They like to laugh at people together and break rules. Darlene is the one who comes up with the crazy schemes.
-Rose and Margot are like good buds. They are chill but able to have long detailed conversations and discussions. Rose introduces Margot to her favorite music.
-Rose tries to bring out the fun in Mandy. Mandy also views Rose as an older sister. Mandy thinks she's annoying but cool.
-Kurumi is the least like Rose, but somehow they get along. They also like to make fun of people together. And talk about boys.

-Cory's friends are Gaz Membrane(Invader Zim)(11), Buttercup(PPG)(11), and Robyn Starling(Tom & Jerry)(11).
-Cory brings out the fun in Gaz. Gaz may actually smile, and they love to play video games together.
-Cory greatly admires Buttercup for being so cool. Cory wants to be tough and intimidating like her, and she also wants to be more athletic like her. She can always depend on Buttercup to defend her.
-Even though Cory and Robyn are almost opposites, they get along very well. Since Robyn is the first girl Cory met in Mediapolis, she is drawn to her.

-Darla's best friends are Tanis(Scooby Doo)(11), Bubbles(PPG)(11), and Robyn. Her mom is Shirley Temple(OOC). Her sisters are Mary(Batman: The Animated Series)(15) and Muffet(Christmas in Tattertown). Her main enemy is Darla Doily(Toonsylvania)(11).
-Darla and Tanis have always been great friends. They are practically inseparable and are constantly at each other's houses or hanging out around town.

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