ABCs to Ivy Pepper

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Don't forget about the most trusted member
You may find her in Lackadaisy as a flapper
Yes, I'm talking about Atlas' goddaughter
This tale is solely dedicated to Ivy Pepper.

One day Rocky brought Calvin to Little Daisy
Freckle felt under the whether lately
He got a sandwich from a nice young lady
That's when Rocky introduced him to Ivy.

A is for Approach to get their attention
B is for Breakaway in breeches on a mission
C is for Changing tunes or do the Charleston
D is for Dance along at her disposition

E is for Entertaining or elude
F is for Freckle, he's so cute
G is for Getting on the dancefloor
H is for Have some fun, mon amour

I is for Invitation, "I decided."
J is for Join me, you're invited
K is for Keeping them company
L is for Lively and foolhardy

M is for Magazines like McClure
N is for Necking someone so pure
O is for Oblivious to danger
P is for Pretty pins of clover

Q is for Quick on her feet, straight uphill
R is for Ready for action and thrills
S is for Showing your crowbar skills
T is for Throwing down, aiming for the kill

U is for Underground, under the radar
V is for Viktor Vasko scaring off suitors
W is for What happened to you, Chad?
X is for exboyfriends that she had

Y is for Yanking the boys from peril
Z is for Zigzagging and swinging her tail 
Now that you know the story of these three
It's best to stay clear from the Lackadaisy

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