Interfaith Celebration of Yuletide

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Lord Edward Seymour is a  Celtic Pagan and he is married to Lady Josette Collis, and she comes from a very strict Christian family that  doesn't celebrate Christmas with a Yuletide Tree as  Lord Jeremiah and Lady Elizabeth Collins are both  Orthodox Presbyterians and they have taught their three daughters that the The Celebration of Christmas is not in the Bible, but they do celebrate Nativity of Jesus Christ on December 25. 

Lord Jeremiah and Lady Elizabeth Collins are not aristocrats

, but it didn't matter to Lord Patrick William Howard when he saved their great-great-grandparents in 2153

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, but it didn't matter to Lord Patrick William Howard when he saved their great-great-grandparents in 2153. and they are third cousins to each other,  and they have three gorgeous daughters,  

 Lord Jeremiah Collins has to find husbands for all three of his daughters and they have to marry them without dowries  and  Lord John Seymour, Duke of Somerset marries Lady Josette Collins, 

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 Lord Jeremiah Collins has to find husbands for all three of his daughters and they have to marry them without dowries  and  Lord John Seymour, Duke of Somerset marries Lady Josette Collins, 

 Lord Jeremiah Collins has to find husbands for all three of his daughters and they have to marry them without dowries  and  Lord John Seymour, Duke of Somerset marries Lady Josette Collins, 

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 Lady Millicent Collins marries Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third, as his second wife

 Lady Millicent Collins marries Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third, as his second wife

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, and  Lady Isabella Collins marries Lt Kevin Thomas Riley

, and  Lady Isabella Collins marries Lt Kevin Thomas Riley

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 and all their children are first cousins through their mother and first cousins to  Lord Andrew Charles Howard, Duke of Norfolk Territory children and first cousins to Lt Kevin Thomas Riley..

 and all their children are first cousins through their mother and first cousins to  Lord Andrew Charles Howard, Duke of Norfolk Territory children and first cousins to Lt Kevin Thomas Riley

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They would all come together along with Lord Andrew Charles Howard and Lady Karissa children, and celebrate Interfaith Celebration of Yuletide and The Nativity of  Jesus Christ out in The Dukedom of Somerset and at  Chellsey Manor

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They would all come together along with Lord Andrew Charles Howard and Lady Karissa children, and celebrate Interfaith Celebration of Yuletide and The Nativity of  Jesus Christ out in The Dukedom of Somerset and at  Chellsey Manor. that was built by Lord Roger Seymour , in 2163. 

Lord  Jeremiah and Lady Elizabeth Collins refuse to attend the celebration despite the fact that  their  six grandchildren will be there- Lord Edward Seymour,   Lord  Charles Andrew Howard The Fourth,  Lord Kevin Thomas Riley The Second,  Lady Charlotte Victoria Maud Howard,  Lady Margery Seymour, and Lady Karen Elizabeth Riley. 

The act offends  Lord John Seymour as he is a Celtic Pagan and Lord Charles  Andrew Howard The Third is a Roman Pagan and Lt Kevin Thomas Riley is a Christian Roman Catholic,  and  the three gentlemen  are outraged and Lord John Seymour tells his brother in laws " To think I married his daughter without a dowry." 

"She came to me without a dowry and without a title or property but I still married her, and he does this to all  of our children."  Lord  John exclaimed. 

"Lord Charles Andrew The Third, what was your great-great-grandfather thinking when he save Lord Joshua Collins and his wife, Lady Naomi in 2153?  Lord John asks.

"I have no idea, but to my great-great-grandfather. He was worth saving.:" Lord Charles Andrew The Third.

"Lord Collins called me a Papist."  Kevin Thomas Riley tells his brother in laws 'That term hasn't been used since the medieval times."  

"My father was a Christian Roman Catholic from Southern Ireland and my mother was a  Christian Protestant from Northern Ireland and they  married without the blessing of either of the families, but they made it work."  Kevin explains.

"I didn't care if Lady Isabella came with a dowry or without one." Kevin tells them.

"Let's not ruin it for our children.   Karissa will have something to say about it." Kevin tells them.

The Celebration of  Yuletide and The Nativity of Jesus Christ  is celebrated in harmony and peace and  the children all have a good time and exchange presents with each other. 

Lord John Seymour informs Lord Jeremiah and Lady Elizabeth " Neither of you may see your grandchildren.   You are both insufferable stiff neck  pious religious people, and I don't want my children to be  around you."  

Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third and Lt Kevin Thomas Riley follow suit and they forbid their children to see  Lord Jeremiah and Lady Elizabeth until they come of age. 


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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