Chapter 7: Avatar's Struggle

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Dante, wrestling with the gravity of the situation and the looming threat posed by Sozin and Amon, turned to the merged Aang with a serious inquiry. "Are we allowed to take down Sozin and Amon, even if it means... ending them?"

Aang, the embodiment of past and future, regarded Dante with a mixture of sorrow and resolution. "No," he responded firmly, his voice carrying the weight of his responsibilities as the Avatar. However, a hint of unease flickered within the unified Aang, manifesting in a subtle darkness that lingered at the edge of his aura.

The tension among the Heroes of Reality grew palpable, their concern escalating as Aang's demeanor began to shift. Sensing the impending conflict, Aang's form began to radiate an otherworldly glow as he entered the Avatar State, a glimmer of darkness intertwining with the familiar aura.

Ryu, Dante, and Claire exchanged apprehensive glances, their reluctance evident in facing their revered comrade, now infused with an unsettling aura. The prospect of battling Aang, even in his Avatar State, weighed heavily on their hearts.

Aang, sensing their apprehension, eased back from the brink of confrontation. With a calm demeanor, he explained, "Korra's unending Avatar State at this moment acts as a conduit for the darkness, attempting to trigger my Avatar State. I'm not from this era, which makes me vulnerable to its influence."

The Heroes of Reality absorbed Aang's explanation, comprehending the delicate nature of the situation. Their comrade's unique position, connected across timelines, posed a risk of the cosmic darkness escaping through him.

"We need to reach Korra swiftly," Aang continued, his voice a blend of urgency and determination. "Stopping the darkness from breaching my Avatar State is crucial. It's the only way to prevent its escape into this reality."

The Heroes of Reality, though relieved by Aang's clarification, remained on edge, acutely aware of the delicate balance teetering on the brink. With renewed purpose, they rallied together, steadfast in their resolve to aid Aang and safeguard the Avatar from the encroaching darkness.

Heroes of Reality: Avatar ConvergenceWhere stories live. Discover now