Chapter 9: Debate Amid Urgency

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As the urgency of the situation pressed upon them, Claire, recognizing the dire circumstances and the limited time they had, proposed a bold plan to absorb the darkness from Korra. However, her proposition met with strong opposition from Aang, Ryu, and Dante.

Aang, ever mindful of the risks associated with absorbing such malevolence, spoke up first. "Claire, the dangers of absorbing darkness of this magnitude are immense," he cautioned, his voice tinged with concern. "It's a perilous path that could endanger you and potentially exacerbate the situation."

Ryu, with his unwavering sense of honor, added his voice to the discussion. "We can't gamble with your safety, Claire," he interjected, his concern evident. "The consequences of absorbing such malevolence are unpredictable. It's too great a risk."

Dante, known for his pragmatism in dire situations, voiced his agreement. "I've seen what darkness can do, and it's not something to toy with," he warned, his tone firm. "We need to find another way, one that doesn't put you in harm's way."

Despite their unanimous concern for Claire's safety, she remained resolute. "This might be our only chance to prevent this darkness from escaping into reality," she countered, her voice unwavering. "I have to try. It's worth the risk if it means saving Korra and stopping the cosmic threat."

The Heroes of Reality found themselves at an impasse, torn between the urgency of the situation and the potential peril Claire might face. The weight of the decision hung heavily in the air as they grappled with the looming darkness and the limited options at their disposal.

Heroes of Reality: Avatar ConvergenceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang