Chapter 9:

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I watched as he pulled the dagger back, ready to plunge it into me before he stopped and turned around quickly. I pricked my ears to try to hear whatever made him stop, and that's when I heard it. Damon and the guards were closing in on us, running in wolf form. Aaron turned to me quickly and with a smirk, plunged the dagger into my stomach then took off out the door.

I couldn't move. Couldn't feel anything. The pain had stopped, my body was growing cold and numb. I looked down at my stomach and watched as the blood ran around down my side. He was right, it wouldn't be long now. I was starved, my body weak, my skin stretched tightly over my bones. I looked up to the sound of someone coming into the room. It was Damon, a look of horror in his eyes when he saw me. I felt his pain, his sorrow, his worry, and his defeat through the bond. For the first time in what felt like months, I could feel his emotions. I tried to give him a smile but coughed up blood instead.

He dropped to his knees in front of me, eyes pleading for something, anything. I tried to raise my hand but failed, and it dropped back to the ground. So, he grabbed it instead, and kissed my knuckles like he used to do when we first got together. My heart warmed at the sight.

"Don't leave me. You have to fight love; you have to hold on. You're going to be okay; the pack doctor will know what to do." He said as he lifted me from the ground, carried me out the door and up the stairs before taking off running towards the pack house. I don't know how long we ran, but once there everything erupted. He shouted orders, I was put on a hospital bed, nurses surrounded me, the doctor yelled over my head while they ran with me back to a room. Everything was too bright; I couldn't keep track of what was going on. I felt a sharp stick in my arm where they put the IV, watched as they put the oxygen mask on me then I was gone. The world around me spun and with Damon circling my mind, I was plummeted into darkness once again.

I was walking in a rainforest; the rain had just stopped. Everything was wet with water drops dripping onto the ground. It was beautiful. It opened to a beautiful white sandy beach. The ocean a sparkling crystal blue. It was like 2 different places, in front of me was the beach, the sun shined bright and warm, the birds flying overhead, baby turtles making their way to the water. Behind me was a big beautiful rain forest, the air cool from the rain just passing, monkeys swung from the trees back and forth. I turned back to the ocean and watched as my mother came walking out of the water. Her beautiful dark blue gown clung to her skin, her hair wet running down her back. She smiled at me sweetly as she approached.

"I figured you could use a little magic after everything you have been through. I'm only sorry that I couldn't protect you from it, but I cannot change what is to come." She said with a sad smile.

"Am I dead?" I asked her, thinking about all that I would be leaving behind.

"No, not quite. You are between world's right now. Not of the living but not of the dead. Only time will tell which you will become apart of. For now, let's not worry about what will be and instead worry about what is." She said grabbing my hand and leading me to tiki bar that appeared from nowhere.

"This is place is beautiful. You always bring me to the most beautiful places." I said looking around and taking it all in. If I let myself, I could really believe I was here. I could hear the waves crashing on the shore, feel the sun on my skin, the sand between my toes. It was paradise.

"The world can be so ugly and cruel, to know there are places like this filled with so much beauty and wonder, it makes the bad worth it." She said as she made some kind of frozen drink. Handing it to me with a cute little pink umbrella in it, she sat down and stared off into the ocean.

The drink was a margarita, perfect for the location we were currently at. I sat back and let myself feel the world around me. There was no longer any pain, I didn't look sick or like I was dying, my body didn't ache, I no longer felt the hunger that was ripping my stomach apart. Instead, I felt complete and utter peace.

"How long am I here for this time?" I asked, relishing in the warmth of the sun on my skin.

"It depends on what happens next. I can only tell you so much without changing what is to be. It can go either way as of right now though, you could stay in the land of the living, or you can cross over and be with me." she replied, never taking her eyes off the ocean.

"I'm not ready to leave yet. There are things I haven't gotten to do, things I should've said. He needs to know that I love him, and I don't blame him." I said letting the tears roll down my face at the possibility of never seeing him again.

"Whether you are here or there, you will see him soon. As when one mate dies, the other will follow."

"No! He can't die. Our pack needs him. This isn't how it's supposed to happen. I'm supposed to be with him, we have a life we didn't get to live. I'm supposed to give him pups..." I said thinking about all the mean and hurtful things I had said to him, of all the stupid and pointless fights and arguments that should have never happened. Wishing I could take them all back right now.

I looked over to ask her a question and she disappeared. I ran to the shore, looking out into the ocean trying to see if I could find her, but she was gone. She disappeared without saying a word, leaving me here alone with my thoughts and fears of losing all those that I love. 

Destined Luna (Book 2 in the Hidden Luna series)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara