Chapter 15:

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Holding hands, we walked to the village to start the meeting. The look of fear in the women and children's eyes broke my heart, while the look of determination and protectiveness filled the men's eyes. Whatever happened, we weren't going down without a fight. And it was going to be one hell of a fight.

A week later while everyone was preparing to celebrate thanksgiving, a scout came running into the field covered in blood. Damon rushed over to him as he tripped and hit the ground. His shirt had been ripped open, claw marks running down his chest.

"They're coming." Was all he said before the color left his face and he took his final breath. Damon jerked his head around and yelled towards the pack.

"Prepare for battle!" those three words was all it took for the world to change. Women and children were gathered, while the men headed to prepared for war. I kissed Damon one last time, before leading the women and children to the dungeons. Closing and locking the door behind me, the two guards that escorted us, put everyone in a corner furthest away from the door. I stood in front of them all, helping to quiet the children and preparing myself for a fight if any of the rogues found us. Hours passed with no word from anyone, not a sound from outside, before something slammed against the metal door. They were here.

They continued to slam against the door, over and over again. The door shaking and denting in with every hit. It wouldn't hold much longer. The guards stood beside me, ready to fight to protect those inside. When the door came crashing down. Five rogues came flying in, ready to attack.

We had to get them out of here if we wanted to stand a chance. I jumped through the air, over their heads landing outside shifting just before hitting the ground. 3 of them followed me out while the guards fought the other two. I prepared myself for battle, waiting for them to strike. Rather than striking together, they came at me one by one. I managed to dodge the first one, running towards the second I pounced sinking my teeth into his jugular and ripping it out. He didn't put up a fight as he fell to the ground dead. I turned and looked to the other two as the guards came out from the dungeon. Standing at my side, ready to protect me and everyone inside at any cost.

We watched as five more rogues joined them. All with muzzles covered in blood. My heart skipped at beat, knowing the blood was that of one or more of my pack. My wolf growled, her rage building, before she lunged wasting no time, she threw her body at two of them, knocking and rolling them across the field. Standing up they shook their heads, and lunged at me, one going for my stomach, but missing as I kicked him with my back leg and sent him flying. While dealing with him, the other managed to sneak up on me and lunged throwing me into a tree and knocking the air out of me. I quickly stood up, ignoring the pain in my ribs and attacking. I sunk my teeth into his scruff, trying to get a shot at his jugular but he butted me off, spun and sunk his teeth into my stomach. I howled in pain, alerting the guards that just finished killing the others. They came running my way when I commanded them to stay put and protect the women ad children.

The rogue bit down harder, shaking his head and tearing my skin. I yelped in pain and tried to kick him off me, my claw getting caught in his eye. He yelped in pain, causing him to let go of me just long enough for me to sink my teeth into his neck and rip his throat out. I watched as he fell to the ground. 

Destined Luna (Book 2 in the Hidden Luna series)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang