03: Face to face

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Today is the day, the day where I will be able to meet him again, the tall man that I thought as a regular man but he's an Idol, a famous one even. As usual, I told Rika to wait at our usual spot which is at the train station near to where the event will be held. I called her, asking if she had arrived and I can't believe the next thing she said. 

"What?!" I was shocked, my jaw dropped. Rika caught a cold and now she can't move out of her bed without her entire body aching. "What about the ticket that you bought? it cost money you know?" I asked her. I heard a cough coming out of her and her voice is getting more sore. "I'm sorry, but I just can't..." she apologized. It's true though, when you're sick and can't do anything sure sucks. "But-, fine. Just rest, okay?" I comforted her after I told her to take a good care of herself and making sure that she recovers well. 

I can feel my heart breaks as I heard that news from her but since we had already bought the ticket, I have no other choice but to just go along with it. Thanks to her that I am able to attend this fan meeting. 

As I entered the hall, quickly I find a seat which is not too far away from the stage so I could see the members clearly. I exhaled a long sigh as I sit down, I am completely surrounded by strangers and luckily I can communicate well with the other fans. After a few minutes, the members of ZB1 finally arrived and welcomed the fans with full of love. 

"Hello everyone, this is Zero Base one!" is what Ricky said as for their introductions before continuing. I can feel my heart beating fast as I heard his voice, I looked at him and his eyes were already focused on me. Dup Dup Dup. I can feel his intense gazed on me, what should I do?. I looked around, at the other members and the floor since I can't hold an eye contact for too long, especially him. 

Time passed, now is the real deal. This time, I am able to meet him face to face. We were told to get in line for the fan meeting, luckily my number is not too far which is number 76 in line. That means I can finish this event as quickly as I can. As I wait in line, I can feel a strong gaze watching me and as expected, it was from Ricky. His strong gaze made me shivers as we met each other's eyes. He smirked!

"Please continue on moving forward," said the guard as she gestured to keep the line moving. They sure move fast, next is my turn to meet the members. "It's your turn, miss" the guard said as she leads the way, I thanked her and sit in line. First, I was greeted by their leader which is Sung Hanbin and Ricky is at the forth row. I am getting closer to him as I walked passed the other members and finally, I'm in front of him.

I lowered my gaze as he welcomed me with a smirk on his face. "Well, hello there. What's your name?" he asked nicely while looking directly at me. I pushed away all the anxious thoughts I had in mind and looked at him directly in his eyes, "Y/N, that's my name" I said as I finally broke eye contacts with him. "What a lovely name. So, who's your bias in this group?" he smiled. I look at the other members and I can feel my face slowly heating up. "It's alright. Let me guess, it's me isn't it?" he smirked. He loves to tease his fans so much! 

"Wrong, my bias is actually Kim Ji Woong" I said. I lied, it's him. I can't tell him that, not after the interactions I had with him earlier. "Woah, well no surprises though, he's handsome for sure. If I'm a woman, I would make him as my bias too" he chuckled. As soon as I heard him I have a feeling that my face is red as a tomato right now. He gestured, asking for me to hand him the album to sign and as he did he can't keep his eyes off of me. "You're pretty, you should know that. It was nice to meet you, bye mi amor" he said as he grab both of my hands and shakes it with his. I can't say a word after that conversation so I kept on moving forward as he waved me goodbye. 

Finally, the hell that I was living in just now had finally come to an end. I can't deny, I do enjoyed that because of how fun it was to interact with your favorite idol. Oh how I wished Rika was here to enjoy the fan meeting too. Before they leave, I took a quick glance on Ricky and I am no longer surprised since he has been staring at me. He mouthed a word towards me but I couldn't make out a single word in my head. He probably laughs at how dumb my face looks like right now. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the hall after the interactions I had with him. 

Just as I was about to leave the venue, I was stopped by one of their bodyguard and I was pretty shocked. "Excuse me ma'am, but do you mind if we take you somewhere private?" he asked. I looked at the time and it's still early for me so I just nod and followed them to wherever they're taking me. "Is something wrong, sir?" I asked and they smiled. "Nothing's wrong. One of the member would like to have a small talk with you" he replied. I was shocked, my eyes were wide open and my jaw almost dropped down to the floor. 

"You may leave now, I'll take care of her starting from here" said by the voice that never failed to make me shivers, Ricky. I turned my back and he smirked. The smirk which made my heart skipped a bit. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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