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Millie screamed. "Please! Please, just stop! Stop! Let him go!"

The scene before her was one that invoked pure terror into her. She could see him... the bear... the monster behind her pain... holding her grandpa with a metal sheet held against his throat, the same one he tried using on her no doubt; dramatics and all that. Tears were streaming down her eyes as she looked upon her grandpa's own confused and terrified face. She couldn't move. Something was holding her in place. She looked down and saw nothing holding her back. So... why the hell couldn't she move?!

Freddy laughed, the noise echoing and piercing her ears. "Oh, silly Millie... why-y would I d-d-do that? Why would I do a-anyt-thing you say?" He giggled, holding the blade closer to Thomas' neck. "I mean... this is your fault, Millie."

Thomas' eyes widened when he said that. Freddy seemed to notice because his gaze focused down on him. "Ooh... y-you didn't k-know? Oh, this is going to be good." He laughed again. "Millie... s-sweet, you-ung and precious Millie here... w-was going t-t-to receive her due punishment for her c-crimes ag-gainst humanity... and do you know what she did?" Freddy started cackling with glee. He could barely contain himself while trying to explain this. It was sick.

"She escaped her punishment like a coward!" He broke out into a belly laugh after that.

Thomas' horrified eyes focused directly on Millie. "Millie... is that true? How... could you?"

Millie was stunned. What? What was he talking about?

"You deserved every bit of what was coming to you... and you ran away? Why? You needed to take responsibility for what you did! You... you're a brat, Millie! You're a brat and you deserve to die!" Thomas shouted, his voice filled with fury.

Millie shook her head in denial. "No... no, this is his fault! He tried to kill-"

"I knew it. I knew you were a brat. You should've died a brat instead of trying to redeem yourself. What a joke. No one's going to miss you anyway, so why are you still breathing? Why don't you just die?" Thomas glared at her, his words stinging her heart. Millie shook her head as she tried to keep it together.

"W-what a pity indeed. It's a shame you have to pay for h-h-her crimes too." Freddy said. Millie's head snapped up to look at him in disbelief.

"NO! Leave him alone! He has nothing to do with this! Just let him go! I'll do it! I'll let you kill me! JUST LET HIM LIVE! HE DOESN'T HAVE TO DIE FOR MY SAKE!" Millie shouted.

Freddy only laughed. "Aww... n-now you w-wanna accept yo-our responsibilities? Too b-bad, lamb chop! You should've done that when you had the chance! Now, you-u got your p-p-poor old grandpa roped in-nto your punishment! So... here's h-how this execution w-will go: I'm-m going to k-kill your grandpa first... then I'll kill you nice and s-s-slow." He raised the blade up to behead Thomas.

"GRANDPA! NO!" Millie tried to run at him, tried fighting against whatever invisible force was holding her in place. She couldn't let him die! She would NOT lose anyone because of something that was her fault! She screamed and screamed and pulled, but it was all fruitless. Funtime Freddy watched all of this with a smug grin.

"I hate you, Millie."

Those would be Thomas' last words before Freddy brought down the metal sheet and sliced it right through Thomas' neck. Millie screamed as the blood sprayed everywhere. Funtime Freddy giggled as the blood covered his face, making him look more like a demon than he already was. He looked down at Millie with his unfeeling eyes that somehow radiated so much twisted joy.

TAINTED REMNANTS: VOLUME 1Where stories live. Discover now