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Hello... me, or... whoever listens to this first. If it's me, you already know why I'm recording my voice, but... I'll explain anyway. I... read somewhere that the best way to... to... to talk about what's on my mind and express my thoughts while they're still fresh is to write them down, or in this case, record them.

I have... a lot... of things on my mind, and... I don't have... anyone I can trust with what's on my mind, so... this will suffice for now. At least... until I decide to go see a proper therapist. So... consider this the personal diary of William Afton.

This is ridiculous. It's ridiculous, but... I guess I'll just... start with talking about the first thing on my mind and... go from there. Is that how these work? Nevermind. Okay...

Today was... fun... for us. We had another birthday today. I can't remember the kid's name, not that it matters to me anyway. It was nice... loud, almost too loud, like always. Henry got to bring out the cake again. I wanted to bring it out. Clara made the cake, and I wanted to bring it out just once, give Spring a chance to be in the spotlight. But no. Henry's Fredbear and I'm Spring Bonnie, and Fredbear brings out the cake. Fredbear sings happy birthday and Spring is always the backup singer, never in the spotlight.

It sounds dumb, but... I just wish... I got to be the one who brings out the cake, you know? Of course you know. You're me. But... I just want it to happen, just once. Just once, and it won't ever have to happen again. Henry can lead all the other shows, but just once, I'd like to take the lead in something. We built this place together, didn't we? It's only fair that we get to share roles.

Sorry. That's not fair to say. Henry has more responsibilities than I do. He builds the robots. There's no way I could ever do that. And, the man hardly sees his family outside of work, so I understand he has a lot on his plate already. I don't want to start being petty over a stupid birthday party.

I just think he tries too hard to keep the place running. He pushes himself and just keeps pushing and pushing and pushing, and for what? I never really understood his passion for that place. It's not my place, but... he's my best friend, and... we made that place together. He doesn't need to handle everything alone.

You know what? Maybe I can run the restaurant for a week, give him some time off. It shouldn't be too hard. Jack will be there anyway, and it'll give Henry a chance to spend time with his family. I know Charlotte misses him. She never liked drawing by herself, and I know I make terrible company. Yeah... that's a good idea. I'm sure he'd love that.

Alright, uh... I guess that's all. Um... goodbye.


TAINTED REMNANTS: VOLUME 1Where stories live. Discover now