"Did you shoot my cat"

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"This is stupid," Josh says, parked outside Maisie's apartment, "All for a stupid cat." He mutters under his breath, loud enough for Maisie to hear and give him a stink eye.

"It's not a stupid cat," Maisie says, zipping up her jacket, "And we need supplies. Good thing I went shopping not that long ago." Taking out her gun, ready for the unexpected.

Rolling his eyes, not that Maisie can see. Taking the key out of the ignition. Grabbing his own gun for protection. Opening his car door along with Maisie. Ready to rescue a cat from the hell hole of Maisie's apartment.

"Stop that." Maisie says, to him as they walk towards the apartment complex. Surprisingly none of the dead are around.

"Stop what?" Josh says, he didn't say anything bad, he thought it but didn't say it.

Rolling her eyes, "You have that stupid look on your face." Not knowing if she offended him or not, but the sigh he made, definitely let's know that he's annoyed. And that makes Maisie smile.


Walking up the stairs of the apartment everything was clear. Except for one of the dead, that Josh ended up taking care of on the stairwell.

Everything was quiet. Which was weird for Maisie, it's usually never quiet. Making her curious of where everyone could've gone.

Putting the key in the lock. Maisie looks to the right, seeing Josh in attack mode ready to attack anything with his gun.

"Hey officer." Maisie says, getting his attention, "Don't worry. Nobodys in here but a cat." But, Josh still doesn't back down.

Opening the door, Maisie goes to the left to turn on the light switch, happy that electricity still works. Meaning that water should also still be working. So, she can finally take the shower she's been wishing for.

"Where's this cat?" Josh mutters as he starts walking further into the apartment, gun raise, taking precaution each step.

"Probably hiding." Locking the door, she turns and sees Josh being dramatic with his gun raise. Going up to him, putting her hand on his raised arm holding the gun, she brings it down roughly, "Stop it. I don't need you getting scared of your own shadow and accidentally shooting him. He's probably already scared enough as it is." She says to Josh who looks like hes about to have a tantrum.

Ignoring her, walking more into the apartment, with his gun by his side, cause apparently she doesn't trust him. But one of the main things Josh noticed is how small her apartment is compared to his back home.

The sink being turned on gets his attention. "Waters working." Maisie says, reaching for the cabinets next to her, taking out two empty gallons, "Fill these up. And feel free to look around and grab what we might need. I'm gonna take a shower. Might be the last time I can." She says walking out of the kitchen to a door. Must be the bathroom, Josh thinks. Looking through her cabinets for anything useful.

Finding cans of food and cooking pans. Holding the pans in his arm. Deciding which pans he should take, since they might take up to much space. He ends up deciding on the medium size one. That's big enough to cook on, and won't fill much space.

Now all he needs is a bag or something to put these in. Searching through more cabinets, but no luck since there's no bags in there.

Walking to the living room. Thinking maybe she has one placed in here. But same thing like the kitchen, no bag. Looking around, he spots another door, next to the one Maisie went through. Grabbing his gun from his waist, slowly walking towards the door, that's slightly creaked. Reaching for the door knob, pushing it open. He walks inside, seeing the bed, he realizes this is her bedroom.

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