"Leemore Square"

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Washington, Virginia
September 15th

Noise can be a distraction. Depends on how you see it. Maisie found it relaxing unlike her dad who found any type of music annoying. It wasn't allowed in the house. But Maisie always found a way to sneak it in.

A magazine was in her hands, as she layed on the floor. Taking her time looking at all the new fashion trends for the year.

The magazine goes on about how flannels are the look for the fall season. This makes Maisie smiles, as she's been wearing hand me down flannels from her sister for her whole life.

"You better hide that," her sister's voice sounds. Maisie having one ear plug in connecting to her beat up tape. Looking up she sees her sister standing infront of her. Pale skin and shaky hands crossed around her.

April still hadn't let anyone know about her cancer. But it was getting hard to hide. Her hair had just started to fall. Meaning she'll have to wear beanies and hats for awhile.

"You know dad doesn't like music," bending down, April takes the earplug from Maisie's ear, "Your gonna get yourself into trouble." Looking after her sister was much harder as it seemed. Maisie was sort of a rebellious risk taker.

Rolling her eyes, closing the magazine, "What's the point of life if you can't take risks." This had been one of Maisie's catchphrases for awhile.

Sitting down next to her younger sister, "Your sixteen, but why do you sound like a seventy-five year old women." April teases, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

Ignoring her sisters teases, letting out a breath, "Thought you had classes today?" Maisie asks, curious why her twenty-three year old sister is not in her college.

"I was wondering the same thing as you?" April questions herself. Her sister giving her a sly look, "Your skipping aren't you." With how she's avoiding eye contact, gives April the answer, "Oh, Maisie. You can't keep doing this." She says in a stern voice, but April never had the scolding type of voice, so it does nothing to Maisie.

"Relax," Laughing at her older sisters attempt in parenting, "I'll go tomorrow." Stretching her arms behind her back, "It's not that big of deal."

Shaking her head, "Yes, it is. Maisie you need to stop this," April says but gets no reaction from her younger sister, "If dad finds out. You know-"

"He's not gonna find out." Maisie states like it's a fact, "Unless you tell him." Challenging her sister, on trust and loyalty.

April swallows, "Just-st," hesitation in her voice, not wanting to reveal what she so badly wants to say, "Take care of yourself. I'm not going to be around forever, you know." April says lighthearted, not wanting it to come out as anything more.

Nodding her head rapidly, not paying too much attention to the conversation there having, looking down on the floor, "I know, I know."

"Maisie," lifting up her chin, forcing her to make eye contact, "You can't go through life with your head down. Sometimes your gonna have to have enough courage to take a look." Her sister always had a habit of looking down when she was being talked to. A smile forms on Maisie lips from hearing this.

"Why do that when I can just come to you," Maisie jokes, laughing not noticing how her sister fake laughs with her.

April's smile falters slightly, not enough to notice, "Your my sister. That's never going to change." Biting her lips, "I'm always going to help you no matter what. But one day your going to have to start facing your own problems." Staring at her younger sister, seeing the uneasiness in her eyes. April changes her tone, not wanting her sister to think somethings wrong, "Your right, though. I did skip today." She reveals, making Maisie's eyes go big.

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