[2]: enchanted

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me and izzy got changed before rushing out of the door due to how long we took, of course taking pics on the way

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me and izzy got changed before rushing out of the door due to how long we took, of course taking pics on the way.

@ ariannaleroy47 posted to story

@ ariannaleroy47 posted to story

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@ paigebuekers followed you.

I clicked on the page that had just followed me, realising it was the girl from before.

the pretty one.

I wondered if she was going to be at the dinner me and izzy were 1 minute away from.

we walked into the restaurant, seeing a huge group of girls in the back.

the soccer and basketball girls were mixed in together, two seats left for me and izzy.

'look who finally came' chloe landers joked as everyone turned around.

my eyes immediately found paige and I quickly looked away.

'it takes long to look this good' izzy grinned as I shrugged.

'come sit down we wanna order' lucy complained as I took my seat.

izzy sat in front of azzi and I sat in front of the last person I wanted to sit near.


I awkwardly smiled, turning to izzy who was aggressively poking me

'what' I asked, facing her.

she pulled her phone out, pulling me close and as she took pictures i could feel paiges gaze on me.

paiges pov:

I watched as her and izzy took pictures, izzy kissing her jokingly on the cheek.

I wasn't jealous... only a bit maybe.

she smiled at the phone, hugging izzys neck.

I don't even know this girl, why am I so bothered about what she's doing.

as she ordered her accent was very clear making me wonder where in england she was from.

she sat smiling with the girls, occasionally glancing over at me as I pretended not to notice.

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