"The devatstating truth of reality..."

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"Adam it's about our targets,agent 064 called and told me they caught them." Amy says as she hug's Adam back, "thats
good news love" Adam replies "is there anything else you need to tell me?" He adds

"Yeah the boss wants me to go back to work,today.. i know i just had baby Delilah,but they need me in work on a mission numerous agents have called in sick" amy says in an exhaustive tone as she walked to her bedroom.
"Are you kidding?,you just pushed out a baby, your not going into work for two weeks they said,now because a few agents (coworkers) called in sick they call in a agent who just had a baby?" Adam says to amy in frustration "i better get ready" Amy adds as she gets in her work uniform

Adam smile at her snd walks over to her and kisses her cheek,baby Delilah started to get unsettled so Adam gone to settle her. Amy just sat on the bed as she stared blankly at the wall in her work uniform,she gets up off the bed and sneakes out the door to not wake up baby Delilah. A few hours later Amy calls Adam, "Hello,Adam?" Amy starts the conversation, her voice cracking,
"Hello?,Amy?,where are you love?" Adam asks in a worried tone. "It's happening,you need to take baby Delilah and go to the safe island,i will see you in two weeks,"  "i-it's happening..." Adam adds as he hung up his phone,taking baby Delilah,when he left his house there was a black car waiting for him,he knew who and what it was for, he gets baby Delilah into her car seat and gets himself into the car,they drive off "Half an hour." A coworker of Amy says to Adam. Adam turns his face to look at sleeping baby Delilah,he nods and looks out the window,when they reach their destination Adam gets out quickly,getting baby Delilah out aswell,when they got out there was a helicopter waiting for them,Adam kept a tight hold of his baby and got into the helicopter and left Amy a message, "i know your doing this all to protect us,thank you Amy,Adam" he gives the peice of paper to Amy's coworker and closes the helicopter door,with a big slam.

The helicopter's propeller's start twirling in the air,getting faster as they lift Adam and his baby into the air,the helicopter got louder and louder. There was a few other families in separate helicopters,just like adam and baby Delilah, A bomb goes off and kills everyone,or so they thought..

That was fifteen years ago. Amy woke up,it was all a flashback from the past,she'd always have those,She got up and walked to her borderd up windows and undone a few latches and opened the shutters on her window,letting in light to her misty dark room. Amy sat on her bed, staring at a blank wall,wondering how her husband and daughter were doing, she stopped day-gazing and stood up and went down the stairs and made herself breakfast,fifteen years earlier Amy had gotten a lot of food/rasions and stored them in her kitchen and what she couldn't fit in there she stored else where in her empty home.

After she had ate she went back upstairs and got dressed and unborderd her frount door and unlocked it and then stepped outside,seeing a bright,empty neighbourhood,hearing nothing except her own breath and her own thoughts. Amy had been suffering with being alone for that many years that she took mannequins and placed them all around the city,dressing them up as normal day citizens, and Amy gotten used to the mannequins being there that she had been speaking to them as if they were alive and breathing like her.

Amys phone got an emergency alert, everyday at the exact same time Amy's phone goes off with an alert,to let her know to get back inside her house before sunrise, she had gotten used to repeatedly living the same day each day,she had a telephone,television and a radio with a camera that she takes video of her lab work with,in her basement she has a lab where she trys to find a cure for the deadly disease/virus but still has not found a cure,currently she was working on mice to try a series of drugs/dose to get a cure,but once the mice were touched or  in in a certain mile radius of an infected person or animal they would get blank looking eyes over the course of two minutes,they would loose all their hair anywhere they had,and they would be immune to light and their only weakness was darkness, so Amy took advantage of that and only went out at night, because the infectous people would come put at sunrise.

Amy heard an eerie high pitched scream as if someone was getting their child taken away from them, but it wasnt that, it was these things known as the lightseekers and they only come out during daylight hours. Everday she watched and waited next to her window till the sun had set and they she'd go to her room and get a little pistol that was carried around in her pocket, every night before the lightseekers came out she would get gasoline and spread it around her front porch because the lightseekers

other weakness was gasoline and she learned their weakness's to use against them. Amy went out to her local block busters and brought a movie she "rented" back and swapped it for another movie or tv show, as she walked in she saw a mannequin and she still thinks that the mannequin is an actual living breathing human, she walks over to the horror/thriller movie section and picks out a movie "Mission imcreationpossible" it reads on the front cover of the cassette tape. Amy looked up and noticed the mannequin was faced next to her and she looked it in the eyes and started to talk to it as if it were a human, "oh hey sarah! How you been girl? Hows that husband of yours?" Amy asks the mannequin expecting an answer from the plastic doll.

(Next page)

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