To Earth

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We all follow Lady Grandma inside the massive room, it has a small potion station near the edge of the giant circle in the centre. There's another circle inside the large one. We all stand around the smaller circle, equal distance from one another.

"The soul" Lady Grandma demands. Carelessly, I grab it and flick it over to her using one of my vines. She shoots me a sharp look as she barely manages to catch it, "Do not let that soul break." 

I would never, I have much more control over my vine magic than they could ever hope to achieve, even those who specialise in it. Quality over quantity after all.

"In order to transfer it into my potions, I'll need to hold hands with one who possesses some light of magic, and you just happen to be my type Pierce," Lady Grandma purrs. Creepy old lady.

Pierce clears his throat, looking uncomfortable, "Noi take it."

"Me?!" Noi exclaims, Rhys glances at him, "you did say you want to deliver."

"I don't want to hold hands with her, she's old" Noi complains. Big mistake.

Like a switch had been flipped, Lady Grandma throws a book at Noi, "you ain't got no meat on you anyway scrum." Lady Grandma spits.

"Liana" Asch says, "take it to her."

"No," I state simply, I don't need to be a knight to survive in this world, but I sure do need my magic, I can't have it tampered with.

"Why" Asch demands. 

"I survived for most of my life without being a knight, but I sure needed my magic" I say, and to take a hit to his ego, I add on "I could leave this room right now, never come back, and still manage to live comfortably." It's true, just not as easily.

Just then, I realised I slipped up, if there was no more soul, then there would be no more magic, at least, for a normal Daemos.

Maybe I'm just with my genetics, but I never need a soul to perform easy magic, though I do for the more extra things. And I don't need the extra to survive.

Thankfully, no one but Rhys noticed, and he wouldn't say anything until we're away from the Royal Family, he's too smart to lose a good weapon.

Asch looks even angrier, knowing that he didn't have everyone under his command. "Noi, do it" he says.

Noi starts to protest, but a sharp look from Asch quickly shuts him up. Muttering angrily, Noi walks over to Lady Grandma.

Noi takes the soul off Lady Grandma and holds her hand. A soft purple light starts from their hands and Noi seems very dizzy.

"How do you feel?" Rhys asks gently. "Used" Noi says, still dazed.

"And with that, the last spark of magic has fallen." Lady Grandma says softly. "We really killed them" Pierce says sadly. 

I don't feel too bad, humans never treated me nicely, even when I showed them I wasn't a threat, even when I helped them, they just used me, and discarded me, like a tool that had gone past its use. Maybe some humans are nice, though I have yet to see proof of it.

"Do you really think this journey was worth sacrificing the last soul?" Leif asks.

"Well it depends on if you boys and girl are successful" Lady grandma responds, "let's not tell the council now, if they find out, they'll have your heads, not even Asch will be spared." She finishes sadly.

The boys all hang their heads, I'm not too worried, I'll just run, like I always do, just until the Daemos calm down. Maybe I'll take the boys with me, they have started to grown on me. 

"There is currently a magic surplus on Daemos, it should be a while until it runs out. It will definitely give us time to survey the new world, if we're smart about it." Rhys explains, he glances at Noi. "Noi, are you able to use any magic."

Noi presses his hands together, a few sparks fly. "It's gone" he cries.

"It won't be long before the citizens of Daemos run out of magic themselves. When the council can't provide any solution, things here will crumble, if Asch wants to ascend the throne before-"Lady Grandma doesn't manage to say anything more before Asch cuts her off.

"Enough, our missions is clear, we go to the new world, and seek out new sources for magic. Which mean we take this world by force" Asch exclaims.

"But we have to be smart about it, we don't get second chances here. Noi is already depleted of magic and after you open the portal-"Leif starts to explain, but Asch, of course, cuts him off.

"I'm the Prince, my source of magic is far greater" Asch sneers, can anyone really be so egotistical? People have researched that claim and found it false. 

It's true that some people are more powerful than others, but it's completely random, it doesn't have to be the royal family.

"But not unlimited," Lady Grandma reminds him, "creating the portal will drain you."

"Asch," Rhys starts, "you don't have to do this alone, you can always ask your-" Again, Asch cuts him off. 

"Enough talk" Asch practically growls, "I care not about the politics of Daemos, nor about the risks we are about to take. I would not be here myself if I had second guesses., give me the potion and let me cast." Asch demands.

"You are going in blind Asch," Lady Grandma worries, though she already knows that no one will be able to convince him otherwise.

Lady Grandma gives Asch the potion, and he holds it, getting ready to cast. 

He walks toward a few steps, before turning back to face us. "My knights, if you are loyal to me, and the future I vow to bring as king, then follow me. I understand if you choose to remain. However, should I see you again after you abandon me," He cuts himself off with a dark laugh, "oh, I will kill you."

Noi looks gobsmacked, "wha!? Asch?" He shouts. Noi doesn't seem to have seen the darker and grittier parts of Daemos yet. Has he still managed to retain his innocence through it all? Either way, Noi's far loyal and optimistic, it might get him killed one day.

Leif puts a comforting hand on Noi's shoulder, as Asch readies himself to cast.

A soft purple light comes out of his hands, and the others make small gasps, I can't help but stare in wonder.

Reality breaks apart like bricks as the portal opens to reveal a blue sky, brown and green trees. The ground seemed to be split cleanly into grey floor, not unlike the stuff the castles made out of, and grass. A few huge buildings surrounded the area.

Lady Grandma walks up to the portal and reveals the name of the strange world. "E-arth" she reads. 

"It's beautiful," Leif says, staring at the new world. 

"We have to take over all of that?" Noi asks in wonder.

"E-arth, it shall be mine" Asch says and walks confidently through the portal.

I watch as the others follow, one by one, until it's just Rhys, Lady Grandma and me left.

With no small amount of reluctance, Lady Grandma started to talk. "Liana, while I may know better to than to trust you, I do know that you're smart enough to help the boys on their journey into the new world."

"You are the most experienced with surviving in harsh conditions, unlike the others who have lived in civilisation all their life. Even Leif had a group for a good portion of his childhood."

"Keep them alive" Lady Grandma finishes. Alive, not safe, she doesn't trust the new world, unlike Asch who thinks he's invincible because he's a Prince. I highly doubt it'll matter there.

I walk through the portal just as Lady Grandma starts her talk with Rhys.

It's time to see if it was all worth it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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