"Meeting your parents?!" (Enid x male pt 2)

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This request comes from @Dragonsw
Sorry if there is any typos
Themes: fluffy and comedic
Sorry for the long wait! School has been rough lately. I hope y'all enjoy this chapter!


3rd pov:

It was another sunny day in the plaza, a light breeze filtered through the air and made the trees rustle as fall began to arise. Rad, KO, and Y/N stood out in front of Gars store, cleaning up the remaining robotic parts that scattered the parking lot. The three had to deal with a darrell robot army, taking up most of their time and energy. KO gasped for air as he fell back onto the ground, panting from all the work. "Is it just me, or is...lord boxman sending out a lot more robots recently?" Y/N chuckled, looking over to Rad who fell flat on his face from exhaustion," Yea, he's definitely got something up his sleeve. Probably wants to tire us out so we can fight against him next time." KO hummed, thinking to himself and just staring at the sky. Y/N cleaned up the rest of the mess, seeming unfazed by all the fighting and working. He grabbed the bags full of the robot parts and threw it as hard as he could, watching as the bags disappeared into the sky.

Enid came speed walking towards the three, looking a bit worried before turning into a more confused and turned back expression. "What happened here?" Rad glanced up, barely raising his head from the ground," boxman." he said before letting his head fall right back where it was. Enid sighed, chuckling softly at her actions,"sounds about right." She turns to y/n, going back to her worried look. "Can we talk for a moment? In private?" Y/n immediately got worried too, nodding his head as he followed Enid to the side of the store. Thoughts raced through his head, wondering what happened to make Enid act like this. Once the two got to a safe place, Enid turned to Y/N and took a deep breath. "My parents want to meet you." Y/n let out a sigh of relief, thankful that enid wasn't breaking up with him. But that relief turned into worry as he realized what it meant. "Your parents?! Why? When?!" Y/n stammered, slightly walking in place from all the anxiety he felt. For most of his life he was taught to be kind and respectful, but it still didn't make him feel any better. Hopefully they can tolerate him. Enid softly grabbed Y/n by the shoulders, trying to calm him down. "They want to meet you tonight because they want to see who i'm dating. It will be fine, you'll do great and they'll love you." Enid smiled, kissing Y/n on the cheek. Y/n slightly blushes, chuckling at how sweet enid was being. "...Yeah you're right. Besides, I can always just secretly date you from behind the scenes." Y/n smirked jokingly, making enid snorted out laughing. The two heard Gar yelling out front at KO and Rad, making them run to meet their boss and hopefully not get in trouble as well.

Time skip to when they are at enid's parents home

Y/n nervously fidget with his bowtie, taking deep breaths as he and enid stood out of enid's parents home. Enid wore a simple lavender dress and matched nicely with her hair, while Y/n wore a black tux with a red bowtie. He was definitely overdressed but hey, you got to impress your girl's parents. Enid took a nervous breath in before knocking on the door. A few seconds went by and the door was opened by a tall lady. Her long black hair draped over her shoulders and vampiric dress. Y/n could see fangs as the Lady smiled warmly at him. "Ah enid! My sweet little girl, you came! And you've brought your boyfriend too!" Y/n anxiously chuckled, glancing at enid. "Yep! Mom, this is y/n. Y/n, this is my mom!" Enid tried to sound confident but slightly stumbled her words while speaking. Y/n raised out his hand, gesturing for a handshake. "Lovely to finally meet you!" Enid's mom took Y/n hand, softly shaking it. "The same to you. How about you two come in, it's cold out!" The women walked more into the home, expecting the two to follow her. Enid walked in first and Y/n followed closely. The home was decorated like a haunt house you would find in halloween festivals. Cobwebs, rips and tears covered the bat covered walls, and the place was light with the soft glow of candles. "Your parents are really into spooky stuff huh?" y/n asked, wanting to fill the air with something other than silence. "Oh yea, they are a spooky family. I've only recently told them that I want to be a ninja and not a witch... which they took nicely once they saw what I could do as a ninja." Enid chuckled remembering all the trouble she went through with KO and her friends. Y/n smiled, happy to see Enid calming down.

Enid's mother led the two to the dining room, where the theme did not change from its spooky design. It looked like a room you would find in Dracula's castle. Enid's mother motions the two to sit down as she walks to a room that was connected to this room. Y/n pulled out a chair for enid, who giggled and overdramatically took the offer. Sitting next to his girlfriend, Y/n took a second to look around the table and think about meeting Enid's dad. He could tell that Enid got a lot of looks from her mom so it just made him more curious on what her dad looked like. He pictured a man with purple hair and having the same humor and attitude that Enid had.

What he saw as Enid's mother walked back into the room with Enid's dad in tow was not what he was thinking.

The man was a werewolf, having gray fur and towering posture. The man looked down at Y/n with an expression Y/n couldn't read. "Love," enid's mom started, breaking the tension that was created," this is Y/n, enid boyfriend!" Y/n immediately stood up, putting out his hand just like he did with Enid's mother. "It's nice to meet you sir!" Enid's father looked at Y/n hand for a second before shaking it with a firm grip. "So you're the guy that got my girl's heart. You better be treating her well or I will-" Enid cough, glaring at her father. "Dad, calm down." Yn chuckled, looking up at the man in front of him,"I will tell you sir, I would rather throw myself off a cliff than hurt her." Enid's father grinned, patting Y/n on the back. "Good man."

As the day went on, Y/n had gotten a good impression on Eni's parents. Turns out, Enid told them about him beforehand which made Enid sink into her seat out of embarrassment. Y/N chuckled, patting Enid on the shoulder and telling her how he thought it was adorable how she talked about him. The night began to rise and Y/n had to leave. Y/n waved goodbye to the vampyre and the werewolf, smiling happily. He turned into Enid who was by his side, smiling just as big as he was. Y/n leaned down and kissed her quickly. "We should meet your parents more." Enid rolled her eyes, softly punching him on the arm. "You're just saying that because you want to see more of my kid pictures." Y/n chuckled, rubbing his arm where Enid punched him. "That and I want to hear more of the stuff you would do as an angst teen." Y/n began to run away as Enid chased after him, flustered.

Y/n would definitely visit the place often.

Hey everyone! Just to make note, I will be closing requests for this oneshot until I'm completely free of school work! Sorry, but I really want to graduate ;-;

Anyways thanks for reading!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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