Chapter 10, The lost soul inside the lost being

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It's 5 AM and Alan still can't fall asleep. He lies on his bed and looks at the ceilling without moving, thinking about this whole situation.  Was it right? To make walkers think he's really their God, that has created each one of them knowing about that? To feel anything that he does towards an imaginative version of his real girlfriend, but from the enemy side? Now, when he thinks about that, all these things seem to be so weird.. Is he even making the right decisions, or.. anyway.
Alan stands up, quietly making sleepy noises. He takes a look at the disc and notices that the picture has changed once again. Now it was showing the house. The old Alan's house next to the sea. he sighed and leaned next to the disc. 
— Are you sure? — asked he exhaustedly and could notice a slight glow as a reply. Alan sighed again, put some plain black clothes on and left the building.

The closer he gets to the house, the stronger is his feeling of melancholy and some kind of loneliness. And the weather seems to worsen.. Everything here seems to be so familiar, but there's nothing that can possibly be back the way used to be. Alan sighs, while approaching the building. Once this place was different.. and he remembers the good days he and his friends used to have there.. But now, even though those are not ruins yet, the building seems to be almost falling apart.. Just like all the fun they used to have.. all the warmth and joy seem to be fading. And he can't do anything with it.. 
Suddenly he notices someone sitting not far from the seashore.. and holding something in his hand. Alan came closer and sat near him.
— You are also here.. — said Alan, looking at the slowly moving waters of the sea, that weren't lit even by a single ray of sunlight.
— Yes. — replied Yordan and sighed, — I miss those times so much.
Alan slowly turned his head and took a look at Yordan. The man was sitting and looking at an old monochrome photo with so much pain and sorrow in his eyes. A light cold wind ruffled his black clothes, while he himself was motionless.
— I also do. — Replied Alan and almost teared up. He had to change the topic, — where did you get it from?
— From the Lily's bag. She always takes it with her everywhere she goes.. But I hope she won't be mad at me. — Yordan sighed once more.
— Lily also does miss the old days, it seems.. — Alan nervously giggled.
— Yeah, we all do. But nothing can be fixed anymore.. And I feel so painful, while watching our common past falling apart, to be honest.
Alan was surprised to really see #22 tearing up in front of him.. for the first time in a while.
— You know.. I had literally the same thoughts just a few seconds ago.. — said Alan in confusion and sorrow.
— Really?
— Yeah.
Now Alan could feel Yordan.. as if from the inside. And now he was slowly filling up with the melancholy of this place, of this situation.. and of his friend, sitting next to him. After a minute, or maybe two, Yordan managed to continue the dialogue.
— You know, sometimes I feel like we are too similar, but so different in the same time.
— What do you mean? 
— I mean, that will sound crazy, but.. I can see both of us "inside" you. The Lily's lidership ambitions and abilities, and my masked.. pain. Let's call it that. You know what I'm talking about. Even though I've never showed it, I'm pretty sure you could feel it.
— ...
Even though Alan did not reply, he still made a bit of quiet purring to calm himself down. That sounded pretty.. weird.. but anyway pretty logical
— I could feel it from the very beginning. And now, after knowing, that you've created us.. I started suspecting that we're not just inside your world or head.. We're something, that your personality consists of.. and it feels even more weird. Have you watched Inside Out?
— Didn't know this movie existed in this universe too..
— No, nothing. I mean, that if it's really.. weird to think about, even though it makes sense. Anyway, if you're right, then we have to find the childish and crazy part of me, that pisses off Lily so much, hehe. — Alan giggled one more time, but Yordan remained still.
— I just wanted to say, that all this may be caused by an inner conflict.. and we all are responsible for that. 
— What do you mean?
— We can't accept each other, even while being involved in a huge and complicated system.. and that hurts.. and ruins everything. 
— Maybe we could try to fix that? — Alan has put his hand on Yordan's shoulder
— Yeah. And the best we can do is to understand, accept and be ready to help each other.. whatever happens. I've been thinking on that for months and I guess it's finally time to start changing something.. don't you think?
— You are right, Yordan. But sorry, I'll better leave now, — said Alan, after noticing, that it started to rain, — until the storm starts, — says he and stands up.
— I'll better stay here.. I need some more time of being alone.
— As you know. — says Alan and slowly walks away. He's almost completely gone, when he suddenly hears Yordan screaming. He looks back and sees some Red Nexus soldiers, arresting him.. Wait, what? Why are they even here.. Alan runs towards them as fast, as he can, to stop them, but the rain goes worse and he can barely see anything.. But he could hear one of the soldiers yelling "C'mon, it's a disgrace for a divine being to be that stubborn!". A divine bei-
WAIT, DID THEY CONFUSE THEM? Alan runs even faster, when suddenly gets noticed and all he remembers is pain in his knee, blood and cold. He lies, fallen on the ground, growling in pain. A photo of the house is next to him: wet and a bit dirty. He picks it from the ground and decides that he has to save Yordan! No matter what happens..

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