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You wanna make a snowman, so you put on your snow jacket, gloves, and a wool hat. You go outside, snow flurries dancing around you and collecting on the ground, which was already 5 inches deep. You roll up the snow to make the base, cartoon style. You add the body after some struggle lifting it and then finally the head, which seemed a bit smaller than you originally wanted it. Then you decorated it. It was a classic snowman. You proudly examine your masterpiece, but then suddenly a snowball is thrown at the small head of your snowman, knocking it right off. You spot one of the gingerbread men your mom baked yesterday grinning at you devilishly, another snowball in his hand. Are you gonna take that disrespect?

8: no, I'm going to eat him!
9: yes, I will make him my best friend!

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