Chapter 25

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" The two nongs were sweet in front of us..."

Mark suddenly said as he saw Gemini was massaging Fourth's back.

"You shouldn't mention it,Mark. Something must have happened last night. Nong Fourth looked like he was in pain."

Ford added.

Prom was taking a glance at the two before deciding to join his members to tease the two nongs.

"You were too hard with him,Gemini. Look at nong. He must feel a lot of pain "

Fourth was blushing again as the three phi were teasing him.

"It's not me. Nong was sitting on the bus for 8 hours. He's been feeling a lot of pain since then"

Gemini tried to stop the teasing from his members.

"Oh ho, nong already in pain and he added the pain."

Mark teased them again

Gemini was done with his friends so he didn't respond.

"But nong, phi was glad that you're back to your old self."

Prom suddenly said after a moment.

Fourth was looking at Prom.

"You eyes used to look dead. You suddenly became quiet and the smile you showed us wasn't your usual smile. So I'm kinda worried about you. But,phi was glad that you're already okay."

Prom added.

Gemini smiled when he heard what Prom said. Actually this is what he has been seeing the past weeks after Fourth's dad funeral. He didn't expect that Prom noticed it too. Hearing that coming from Fourth made him realised that Prom and Fourth was very closed.

"Did I? I'm sorry for concerning you..I was just....

Fourth was trying to ask forgiveness but was stopped by Prom

" Did you forget about what I told you before. Put yourself first before others. No one blame you for the way you acted. Everyone who experienced the same thing as you will behaved the same. Stop saying sorry for the things which you shouldn't say sorry for..."

Prom reminded Fourth his advices before.

Fourth smiled and nodded after he heard what Prom told him. He's been always like that so Prom always told him that it was fine if he showed that he's not good.

"Krab phi."


Suddenly Ford decided to say something.

"Love is going to join us...will it be fine?"

All of sudden, they were all silence. They were still mad at Love for making Prom like that.

"It's okay if you guys didn't want to. I will meet Love somewhere else. It's just that what if she joined us?"

Ford added again.

"I don't think that was the right question to ask. You know it Ford."

Mark responded.

"I did. But still she didn't do any mistakes. She just wanted to get confirmation. She didn't know what happened to Prom that..."

"Enough ."

Mark stopped him.

"If you want to meet her, just met her somewhere else, not here. She nearly made us lose Prom."

Ford was looking at Mark and he became annoyed.

"I'm just asking. If not then we will drop this topic."

Ford fought him back.

Ford was getting really angry as he felt that they were all being unfair towards Love. She did make a mistake but she didn't know about the whole story. It's fact that everyone were avoiding her after the incident. Therefore he's trying to heal their friendship back.

Ford took a deep sigh

"Then, I will go now. Love and me need to meet for discussion about the event soon."

As he said that, he immediately left his friends. While he left,all eyes were on him. They knew that Ford has a good intention but still they were not able to forgive Love.


Ford has arrived at the place where he promised to meet Love.

"I'm sorry if I'm late. Let's continue our discussion."

Ford said.

Love nodded at him.

The two were having the discussion for a while. After 30 minutes, they were done with the discussion.

Love asked a permission to go first but she was stopped by Ford.

"Why not we go together. It's been a while since we didn't hang out together."

Ford asked her.

Love nodded at him and they went to grab some food at the food stall nearby.

"How you're doing?"

"I'm doing good."

"I'm sorry..."

"You didn't do any mistakes. It's just that the guys didn't matured enough and very ego about their opinion."

Love smiled

"Thanks na Ford."

"It's okay na Love. You don't need to think about them. Contact me if you're alone. I feel guilty when I'm seeing you alone."

Ford told her.

"Okay, meung."

The two kept talking until the stall was getting closed.

Ford sent Love home and he went home.

After a while, someone knocked on his door. He was surprised to see Prom .

"Why you're here at this time. It's late."

"Let's say that I need a company.My parents weren't home."

Ford nodded and went to the kitchen. He made coffee for Prom.

"Just be honest with me. You want to know how Love is doing right?"

Prom was silent.


Ford let out a sigh.

"She's okay. She admitted that it was her mistake. She didn't planned to ask for forgiveness. It's just that she didn't do anything wrong. She want to make sure whether you really love her or not. That's all."

Ford said to Prom.

"Thanks for telling me that. I wasn't that mad at her. It was my mistake. I was the one who tried take my own life. It didn't happen because of her as I was recalling all the moments with my ex. Plus I realised that she need to have someone who really care about her."

Prom told Ford.

"Still it didn't change their thoughts of her.I felt pity towards her as she suddenly became a stranger to us when we used to go anywhere."

"I will try to reconcile with her. She didn't do any huge mistake. It was ego that stopped them."

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