Chapter 2

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     I hope to God this is going well. Because I'm still trying to get back into my story writing. It's been a hot minute.
☾~~❀⟿❧☾☾~~❀⟿❧☾☾~~❀12 days left

   I looked at Collei as she brought some pita pockets. "Here I brought you some food, Y/n!" I smiled at her and took the plate of food from her. "Thank you, Collei. I really appreciate it." Collei smiles at me and takes a seat next to me.

   "Master Tighnari is happy to know you're improving." She spoke up as I took a few bites of the pita pockets. They were so good.
   "Oh? Well, isn't he like a doctor?" I asked her. "Mhm! He's the best botanist!" She claimed. She seems very happy and proud of her master. It's sweet like a siblings.

  "Usual when I got sick, my mom bought medicine. It's hard to believe you can use plants to make medicine." I say to her with a soft smile. "Then again, this whole thing is different from Fontaine. You have Sumeru roses while we have rainbow roses." Collei's eyes lit up when I said rainbow rose. "We also have some plants made from pure water like lakelight lilies." I explain to her as she looks pretty excited. "Master Tighnari may find those interesting! He likes plants, but he does enjoy mushrooms more, but I've never heard of those flowers before." She finally says with a tinge of excitement in her voice.

  "Those do sound interesting. You're right, Collei." We both looked up to see Tighnari standing by the doorway. "Fontaine is a region of hydro Archon, so hearing a flower made of water isn't too surprising." He explains. "Maybe I can take you both one day! I'm sure you both would love it." I say to him with a smile. I kept my gaze on his as I sat back on the bed. "Perhaps. But it is very busy in Gandharva Ville these days. With withering zones and the contamination zone." He explains with a bitter sigh. It's almost like he doesn't even want to think about it.

   "I see... well, that does sound troublesome. I'm sorry." I apologized to him. "Don't be. This is just the job... sadly. But Collei, you have patrol soon. You should be getting ready." He shifts his gaze to his trainee. "R-right! I forgot sorry Master!" Collei scrambled to get up and left the room with a small wave to me and Tighnari.

  "She's so adorable." I commented as I looked at Tighnari. His arms crossed over his chest. "She is. But I must ask you mention last night you had an escort. Where are they?" He asked me. "Oh, Frost... well, I told him to run. My father would've handled anything that would happen." I explain to him as I shift around the bed. He didn't say anything for a short minute. "Do you want to go for a walk? I know be stuck in a room all day can get suffocating." He kept his eyes on mine. Patiently waiting for my answer. "Yeah.. that does sound nice." I answered him as I got out of bed and immediately forgot I don't even have any clean clothes. "I... ah. Forgot I was robbed I don't have any clean clothes." I felt my face heat up from the embarrassment. "It's alright. I'm sure I can find something that should fit. I will be right back." Tighnari says to me before leaving the room.

   I got up and stretched my legs and arms. Man, I feel like a stone. I'm hearing my bones crack. I took a peak outside and saw just a lushful forest. There are so many trees and plants. More than you'll see in the city of Fontaine. It's breathtaking.

    "Y/n, are you okay?" I turn to my left to see Tighnari with a pair of clothes. "Yes. I'm okay.. it's just different here. It's nice." I told him as I took the clothes from him. "Thank you, Tighnari." I look at him as he gave me a small smile. "It's nothing at all. Now get changed. I can show you around the Avidya Forest. You will like it."


      After changing, Tighnari took me around Gandharva Ville and then took me around the forest. Sometimes, he'll stop and inspect a plant or two sometimes a mushroom. He explained all the properties. It was cute. I could listen to him and go on and on about this.
  Wait... what am I thinking? Agh, my family would never approve of him. I couldn't.

   "And this mushroom is more common in Mondstadt, but sometimes it will pop up here." Tighnari explains as he carefully plucks the mushroom from the ground and placing it into a jar. "Why are you taking it?" "Well you see, it has great healing properties. Eating it by itself isn't safe, but when you mix it with different herbs, it can make a paste to help with burns." I gave him a nod.
  I look around us seeing the lush grass and crystal clear river flowing by. It was peaceful here. "You live here? Lucky. I've been couped up in a city all my life." I sighed and sat down on grass. Taking in the sight. "I can see that.. so why do you want to study at the Akademiya? I'm sure Fontaine had schools there." I nodded and looked at his hazel like eyes. "Well, I really wanted to get away from my family. They are suffocating. They spoiled me rotten since I was born. I am their only daughter, so that might explain it." He nodded and took a seat beside me. "I see, well as much as I dislike the Akademiya. I hope you can find what you're looking for. Being an alchemist isn't easy, I knew one alchemist who makes it look easy, but even he struggles from time to time." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

  "If you don't want to stay in the Sumeru city. You can always stay here while you do your stuides." He voice was soft and gentle. It was comforting. "Thank you, Tighnari. I'll keep it in mind.." I smile at him. He opened his eyes and laid his gaze on me. "It's just me jo -" "Offering me a place to call home isn't a part of your job. But still, I'm grateful. Thank you." I saw his face get a dust of pink on his cheeks. He cleared his throat, and his ears laid back.

  "You are very welcome, Y/n."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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