Things Change.

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Why do I even have to go! I can stay with toni! I yelled at my already nervous father. I was pissed we had to move, i was leaving my whole life behind. My bestfriends, my boyfriend, everything..... I was ready to hang myself from the dinning room chandler at any second..

Mark: "do you think I wanna leave sweetheart? " He packed up the last box in the den. " Nothing is guaranteed, nothing is promised and I'm doing the best I can.

The law firm my dad worked at went into bankruptcy. Which meaning he was unemployed. Him being a saver and not a spender, we wanted to find work first and keep whatever money he had put away.


Mark :It's all temporary, I promise we will be okay. I'll find work and can start all over again.

I went in my my room which was already packed up and plopped on the floor. I looked over at an opened box and saw a picture of my mom. As I picked it up the tears started all over again. I missed her so much right now. There was three small knocks at the door .

Mark: Are you okay? " he softly said as he creeped in my old room.

Raina:" I guess. " wiping my tears.

Mark: As long as we trust in God we will be just fine.

Raina:" yeah." slightly rolled my eyes, enough where my dad couldn't see me. I wasn't ready to here a lecture about "God & whatever the crap he does. I believed in a higher power but I wasn't sure how how all that went.

Mark: "15 Minutes and we're out the door, okay lovebug?" He gently kissed my forehead.

Raina: Okay .

I saw his mood change when he saw me holding my mom's picture. He missed her too. I had to get over it, I was moving and had no say so in the decision. I grabbed my purple zebra bag, coach purse and razr phone and opened the door. I looked back and remembered all the memories that my home had.

36 Miles to my new home in hell


If those I loved were lostNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ