Chapter 4

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I tuck Ariana into her bed and kiss her forhead before walking out of her room and shutting the door behind me. I step out onto the lifeless and dull hallway. I seriously need to decorate this place. Maybe Ariana would like to help me. I know she hates my guts, but I don't really care because she's absolutely adorable when she gets mad. It's maybe even funny.

I stop in front of my door and step into my room. I walk over to the telephone on my bedside table and call the cleaning crew downstairs. After three rings Louis picks up.

"Hello? Mr. Styles? Is there anything you need?" I hear the familiar doncaster accent on the other line.

"Yes Louis, Ariana is already asleep you can start cleaning now." I speak into the receiver.

"Sure thing sir. Anything else?" He asks.

"Yes, I'd like a chocolate milkshake too." I smile into the phone.

"Sure, I'll tell the boys to start cleaning and I'll have that up there in a few minutes." He says before excusing himself and hanging up the phone.

I smile as I think over tonight's events. Ariana was just lovely tonight. I learned a little more about her tonight. I knew most of the things she told me, but I found out that she's vegan and has four dogs back in Cali. I guess I'm gonna bring them back here for her, maybe I'll get her to hate me a little less. My thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door. I get up from my bed and open he door to reveal Louis standing before me with a chocolate milkshake on a silver platter.

"Thanks." I smile a little as I take the milkshake from him. "Did you bring a straw?" I ask him before closing the door. He nods as he hands me one before nodding and walking away. I sigh as I close the door behind me and take a seat on my bed. I unwrap the star and stick it in my milkshake. I moan as I taste it and nod. Louis makes the best milkshakes on the face of earth I swear.

Once I finish my milkshake I set the cup on my bedside table and get up to get changed. I slip off my shirt and pants and change into red plaid pyjama pants. I plop onto my bed and let out a loud sigh before darkness engulfs me and I drift off to sleep.



I gasp as I sit up in my bed and try to catch my breath. I swipe my hand against my forehead to wipe away the beads of sweat on it. A small sob escapes my lips as I rock myself back and forth hugging my knees to my chest. I shake my head trying to get rid of the vivid, and horrifying creations of my mind. I shake my head furrowing my eyebrows, and letting out a bitter laugh. I'm ridiculous, acting like a helpless child. I let go of my legs and check the time on my alarm clock. 2 am.

I get out of my bed to stretch my arms and legs a little, but as I turn around to go back to sleep I notice the red stain on the snow white bedsheets. I groan as I stop my way to the wardrobe to pick out a clean pair of undergarments and pyjama pants. I strip off the bedsheets and dump them into the laundry hamper. I swing open my bedroom door and make my way down the hallway to the bathroom to take a shower and get changed.

Once I'm inside the bathroom I strip off my clothes and mumble profanities as I dump my dirty pyjamas into the hamper by the door. I set my clean clothes on the sink and check the cabinets for pads. I successfully find them and set one on top of my clothes. I turn on the shower and hop in scrubbing myself clean. Once I'm done I step out and dry myself getting changed into a fresh pair of pyjamas. I sigh in relief as I step out into the hallway making my way to my room.

I stop dead in my tracks realising I can't sleep without bedsheets or I'll freeze to death before the sun rises. I shake my head and hold myself back from pounding my head agains the wall. I guess Harry won't mind if i stay with him. Oh who am I kidding? He'll fucking love the idea. I mumble profanities as I shamefully make my way to Harry's bedroom.

"All the fucking love." I mumble as I walk looking down and glaring at the floor. I continue walking until I bump into someone and fall flat on my back. I groan as I sit up and rub my back. "Harry. What the fuck are you doing up at 2 in the morning?" I ask rolling my eyes. I look up and my eyes are met with a pair of striking blue eyes. I examine his face and tilt my head to the left.

"Oh I'm sorry love! I didn't see you there." He says holding out his hand. I take it and he pulls me up.

"It's okay. I didn't look where I was going. In my defense though, I wasn't expecting to bump into someone at this time." I say offering a half smile. He smiles and shakes his head chuckling a bit.

"I'm Louis Tomlinson." He says holding out his hand again. I shake it and laugh a little.

"Nice to meet you Louis. I'm-"

"Ariana Grande. 22 years old, and exceptionally talented." He interrupts me. I step back a little shocked by what he knows about me. I clear my throat smile awkwardly at him. I'm extremely creeped out right now.

"So what are you doing here Louis?" I ask him trying to lighten up the mood.

"Oh. I'm cleaning." He says holding up the broom in his left hand. "What about you miss Grande? Why are you here?"

"I had to use the bathroom." I blush looking down at my feet. I look up once again to see Louis' eyes examining my face closely.

"Well it was nice meeting you, but I have to get going." He says smiling at me and walking away waving. I wave back and continue my journey to Harry's room. I stop in front of his door and hesitantly knock on it. I hold my breath for what feels like hours until a sleepy and confused Harry opens the door. He towers over me, his hair messy, and plaid pyjama pants hanging low on his hips. I look up to be met with forrest green eyes looking down at me.

"Ariana? Is everything alright?" He asks me in a deep, raspy voice. I shudder as I nod and bite on my bottom lip.

"I uhh... I was wondering if I could maybe stay with you tonight?" I ask looking up hopefully.

"Sure. May I ask why?" He smirks crossing his arms over his chest.

"I had a nightmare." I half lie looking down at my feet. There's no way in hell I'm telling him I'm on my period. No. Hell to the no. I look up at him with fake tears brimming at the corners of my eyes. I see his eyes soften and he nods moving aside so I can walk inside. I thank him as I sit on his bed and lean on the headboard hugging my legs and resting my head on my knees. I really should be an actress; I bet i'd do an awful great job. I let go a few seconds later and lay down on my side, my back facing the left side of the bed. I shiver and close my eyes as my teeth chatter.

I feel the bed dip down and a feeling of warmth come over me as Harry drapes the blanket over us. As I feel myself drift of to sleep I feel Harry wrapping his arm around me and pulling me closer to him.


So that's it for today. I know, it's lame and crappy but I suck at this so yeah. I tried. Anyway I hope you may have found it the least bit entertaining. I'll be back with more on Tuesday!

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