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Notes:once again,I'm sorry if it's out of character
Third person pov.
Red finally walked through the door at 11:56 pm,and walked into the living room to see non other than her lover,10k.
Their relationship had been quite rocky lately,10k takes care of stuff at the house while Red Is the breadwinner as a nurse,but the downside is red works all the time,from 7-am to 11:30pm,witch leaves 10k alone all day.he hated it.he missed her.

Reds pov.
I was exhausted, today was extremely chaotic and all I wanted was sleep.
When I came into the livingroom 10k perked up,like he'd been waiting there for me.
"Red?we gotta talk"
He said.
"Right now?I'm tired." I said bluntly,not having the energy to deal with anything
"Yes now," he said,getting up and walking closer "I miss you,your never home anymore.." he said,his eyes filled with sadness.
"Yeah well someone's gotta pay the bills." I say,my tone stern.
"Well I could help,I could get a job, just-anything!"He pleads.
"10k I don't have the energy for this."
I said,turning away from him
"What?you don't have time to talk about our relationship?do you even love me?" He said,those words hit me like a Freight Train,I wish I could have taken my words back the moment they came out.
"Well maybe then I'll just leave you!" I yelled,full of anger,I didn't even look back at him, I just ran upstairs and went to bed.
Time skip
I finally woke up at 6 am,giving me an hour to get ready,but today felt diffrent..
You know that feeling when you feel somethings bad going to happen?
I don't know why,I just felt like that,it'll go away, I know it will,right?
I got up and realized 10k wasn't in bed..odd.
I got all ready and when I came down,10k was sleeping on the couch,I felt the guilt hit me,I should apologize but I gotta get to work.
Times skip
I got home at around 1:56,I went out with sarge for a for a few hours,when I got home..it felt wrong..it was empty,like nobody had been there for hours.
"10k?" I called out...no response
"10k!"I called out once more..again..no response.
I don't know what it was but my gut told me to go upstairs, so that's what I did,I sprinted upstairs and saw the bathroom light on through the crack of the bottom,I tried to open the door,but it was locked.

10ks in there..he's hurt.
Is what I assumed,I shook the doorknob,violently.
"10k?Thomas open the door!"
I yelled,my heart beating faster.
I don't know how,but I managed to bust down the door and what I saw made me sick to my stomach,I gasped,putting my hands over my mouth and I backed up against the wall.
It was 10k,but he was covered in blood,giant slits and gashes covered his arm,a bloodied knife beside him,blood splattered on the floor and walls,I almost puked,it took everything in me not too
After a moment of pure shock,
"THOMAS!" I yelled,running over to him,checking for any signs of pulse,not that he had one either way,I checked his breathing,nothing.
I grabbed my phone and called 911.
I stayed by his side the whole time,sobbing.
time skip
10k was taken to the hospital yesterday and he passed,the doctors told me they couldn't do anything, it shattered me.when I woke up at 2:54 pm I didn't care I was late, I'd just lost the love of my life.
I finally got out of bed at 4:58,I just sobbed the whole time.
Once I got up I decided to clean the bathroom,the blood made me absolutely sick.
I got the cleaning supplies but when I put the stuff down,there was a not that read "Dear red",I picked it up and read it
After I did,
I fell to my knees,tears streaming down my face as I hugged the note to my chest.

"I'm sorry red,I loved you with all my heart,you were the bestest girlfriend I could have asked for, I wish I was around long enough to grow old with you, to have kids of our own but I'm sorry we couldn't. You gave me everything you could and I'm forever grateful, I'm sorry I left you. You earned a special place in my heart.
But do me a favor and forget me,I don't want to be remembered.
I'll always love you red,but tell me,

Did I make a mistake?"

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