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Side notes:this is based off season 6,nat zang confirmed 10k was gonna get bitten and his final kill would be himself,But let's just pretend sarge survived
Credit to th10kmas for the idea!they were a big part of this story :)
Warnings:gore?death, suicide
10k pov.
I decided to go on a walk to clear my mind,I was feeling anxious about the cure and how about it wouldn't end well. They hadn't cleared the zs out and I'm getting really close to 10,000 so I've got that going for me,I was walking in an empty street,completely out of it,I heard growling and..crawling..?but I was too out of it to realize,before I felt something grab my calf,I finally snapped out of it when I felt it but before I could comprehend what was happening I felt it sink its ragged,sharp and misplaced teeth into my calf. I yelled in pain,my legs gave out and I fell forward,landing on my palms,I didn't even look at it,I knew it was a z,or maybe some women's feral kid,I didn't care.i started kicking it away,I looked back at it and saw it was infact a zombie, once I finally kicked it away after it bit deep into my skin,I got up and ran,I ran back to the house me and sarge were staying in for awhile. When I walked in sarge tried talking to me,asking me what was wrong as I was clearly limping.i ignored her and tried to sprint the the bathroom,bandaging the wound,but I was supposed to turn by now aren't I?I'll be fine!
9 days later.
Me and sarge are walking in the forest,talking about life,the zs were rare to find now,and me and sarge were looking for any extras.
I haven't turned yet and I'm not craving flesh so I should be fine,right?
Albeit,I do feel weak,but I haven't eaten for 2 days,I haven't been hungry so maybe that's why.
"The zs are getting harder to find,kinda nice honestly"
I didn't reply I just nodded.
"Hey..10k?you okay?you look really pale."
I heard her say.i opened my mouth to speak, but I felt something come up,I leaned my shoulder against the tree next to us, convenient huh?I closed my eyes tightly,clenching my fists
"Are you okay 10k?"
She asked,I wanted to respond but I couldn't,I felt as if I were gonna puke but I hadn't eaten in a few days, so what was wrong?I was about to speak when it came back up,I fell to my knees,closing my eyes,whatever it was it tasted metallic-ey, gross. I know but it didn't feel normal.
I opened my eyes and there infrong of me was a pile of blood,I wiped my mouth,I was about to get up but my legs completely gave out,I repositioned so I was leaning against the tree.sarge leaned down on her knee beside me.
"What the hell was that?!are you okay?were you bit!?"
She asked in a panic,I wanted to tell her,but what if she hates me?or gets scared? I don't want her to leave me..but what if I randomly turned and I hurt her. It's a lose lose situation but I don't wanna hurt her.
My shaky hands reached over,I rolled up my pant leg and unwrapped the bandage,revealing the gruesome sight of the rotting,infected bite,black veins coming out of it,I haven't checked it in days.
She gasped at the sight,covering her mouth with her hand.
"Your bitten?when did it happen?!"
"9 days." I said weekly as her eyes widened.
"Are you turning?!well your pale and,that, the bites infected, do you.."
She said,not knowing what to do,I knew I was turning.i could have denied it but that wouldn't help anything.i just nodded,her eyes weld up with tears.
"Well get you some help okay?"
I shook my head
"Mercy." Is all I could say
"No. No I refuse to mercy you,your gonna be okay!" She said,standing up and turning around.
"Please.." I managed to say,my voice cracking,it felt like my organs were eating eachother, my limbs were turning greys and greens from the random rapid turning.
"No. I won't mercy you."
I knew she wouldn't,so I will.
I grabbed my pistol and put it to my head. I pulled the trigger,the last words I muttered out.


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