They talk to me (Evan/HABIT x Reader)

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(FOREWARNING!!! This is NOT canon in the LEAST. It has HEAVY headcanon suggestions and possible ooc bc i haven't watched EMH or any Slenderverse as a matter of fact, I'm mainly familiar with MH still without watching it. Please leave and read something else you were recommended or possibly one of my other books if you don't like this and if you wish to proceed enjoy!)

(TWWWWWWW!!!! Some noncon elements but later consented at the end, implied nsfw, HABIT being HABIT, Evan snapping, psychotic behavior. Please leave if you don't like any of this.)


Song - Voices (Randy Orton theme)

Evan screamed at the voice in his head throwing a vase across the room.

"Oh why so sour buddy? Just give in already. We're one in the same now y'know. You WILL hurt someone eventually, you WILL give in to the instinct, just like a wild animal."
It spoke to Evan in a toying tone.

Evan screamed at the voice who just laughed at him.


The man snapped around looking in the direction the sound came from to see his friend (Reader) staring at him completely terrified

"Oh will you look at them Evan! Completely terrified! All because of you."
The voice toyed more as Evan stared at the shaking figure in front of him and he found himself shaking and it hard to swallow.

"What's this? Are you..perhaps..attracted to them in this frail and terrified state? You're more like me then you'll admit then."
The voice spoke in a coy and almost mocking tone laughing at the man who's head it inhabited.

"I am...nothing like you.."
Evan whispered under his breath trying hard not cry while also trying hard to not brutally ravage the absolutely gorgeous(gorgeous isn't just a term for women everyone is gorgeous!<3) person who in all the time he's known them has never caused him to feel this way.

"Okay Evan I know you hate me and everything but just let go this once..and follow what I tell you to..we'll all enjoy this~"
(After this point HABIT will be in this text when speaking)

The man spoke nothing but nodded and his eyes darkened as he listened to the voice in his head instructing him on exactly what to do, a demented smirk slowly creeping up on his face as he bore holes through your shaking figure and after a good five minutes of your presence being known you finally spoke.

"E-evan?..Is that still you?.."
You spoke shaking as the man slowly started to chuckle, then burst into psychotic laughter as he started to step towards you.

You started stepping backwards and ran out of the room as the man full on sprinted at you.

You ran across the house and locked yourself in a bedroom on the other side and while looking around for a way to protect yourself you heard a voice outside the door.

"Open the door pretty baby..I won't hurt you too much I promise~"

You immediately froze, that wasn't ITs voice..that was Evans, just...he sounds like he lost what was left of his mind, you figured that it was just IT pretending to be Evan in control though you weren't very sure.

"Stop it you're scaring me!!"
You yelled and almost immediately jumped hearing an insane cackle from the other side.

"Oh just what I wanted to hear precious!~"

That time it was ITs voice, HABIT as Evan once called it, you were trying to process what was going on when there was rapid harsh banging on the door.

"LET ME IN HUN! I won't hurt you I promise~"
"Just open the door and I won't have to break it down cutie~"

You had no idea what to do, you were so confused, so scared, prey..and they loved that. They NEEDED that. Before you could think the door broke off the hinges without warning and before you could scream you were thrown against the wall. You tried to scream but the man kissed you rough and needily, biting your lips hard and making your bottom one bleed a little and he greatfully licked it all off your face.

He moved down to your neck and bit down hard sucking on it and making you struggle trying to get away till the man pressed his body deeper into yours and started grinding his knee into your crotch and a moan escaped your mouth.


You were cute off by the man putting his hand over your mouth.

"Nonono baby its me~"


"Bingo sweetheart! Now if you don't mind would you let us do what's been put off for too long?~"

You said as he smiled.

"Well you see baby we seem to finally agree on something, and I really don't wanna feel as crazy as I do right now anymore and I'm betting you don't either so if you'll let me my love..~"

He takes your hand and kisses it looking deep into your eyes with a look you've never seen before and you could just tell someone they were both in control, working in sync, and you took a deep breath and kissed the man deeply making him smirk into the kiss.

You broke the kiss and the man, or should I say men spoke.

"I'm guessing that's a yes??~"
"Oh shut up and fuck me already."


DONE!!!! So lemme know y'all if u wanna see more in this book or maybe even an nsfw continuation of this?👀
Also I apologize if this triggered anyone, I did put tws at the beginning, though if you read and had a problem let me know I will gladly take this down if it hurts anyone! I just want to make content people enjoy and I haven't wrote anything in awhile so just lemme know y'alls opinions!

See ya later y'all!!💜✨

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2023 ⏰

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