Hospital?? H-How in Stars Name Did I get here

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A few Hours Later Ash wakes up with a pounding headache and has bandages everywhere on himself "What The Stars?.." Angels Ears perk up and starts jumping "Oh My sweet Ash!!~ how are you feeling??~" Ash Looks at Angel then Blushes "I'm doing okay..!" Angel looks at phone then looks at Ash then thinks "Should I?... Nahhhh" "Umm Angel are you okay?? "Oh yeaaaaaa!!! Ofc!"  "U don't sound like it." "For real im fine." Ash falls for it and then gets more comfy into the hospital bed and soon enough falls asleep. Ash snores a little but not that loud

Ash Wakes up in his old room and looks down at his hands and it seems like he got smaller?? "Honeymoon!! Come downstairs for snackys!!!" Ash's ears perk up. "Mama..?" He rushes down the steps and then comes face to face with his Mom "Cmon honey what are you waiting for?" Ash shakes his head "Sorry Mama!!" They come over to the table to eat strawberry yogurt and apple slices "Soooo Moonpie, wanna go to the beach? Orrrrr the Mall?" "M-M-M—Mall!!" "Okay then how about you finish your snack and I will get ready upstairs and i will get your outfit ready okay??" Ash Nods and cleans his face up with his special napkin he always uses then eats 6 more apple slices and puts his dish into the sink and runs to the living room happily. While he was playing with is cars, planes, and Trains then he spots his 7 cats Astro Jr., Vlad, Blue, Julia, Lilac,Cotton, and Moonshine Ash waves and The cats Meow as a Hello back and Ash turned to his Eyes to the Tv the News was on, Strange he thought it wasn't on when he got into the living room. "OH WOW!! Mwama is on Tv!" He walks over to the Tv and claps "Yway!!! Mama Fam-Famousu? Eh, I dunno what dwat means-" Ash didn't talk as much but if you mention anything about Space he will be yapping like there is no tomorrow.

Jasmine comes in and snatches the remote and turns off the Tv "let's go now! shall we?" "Ywea!" Ash gets up and walks to his mother happily holding her hand.

Then Ash wakes up Panting and see it's Night and Angel isn't here. "Oh I hate dreams and Nightmares Ugh, disappointing" Ash looks around and sees he has a lot of stuff hooked to me "should I??-... Nahh maybe later"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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