Meeting on the Ice

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Keith stared at the text message that was currently displayed on his phone.

Shiro (5:30 AM): Meet me at the rink. I want to get some extra practice in.

He groaned as he rolled over in his bed to check the time. 6 AM. He sent back a quick message before sitting up. The pale male ran a hand through his hair before deciding to get up and be productive with his day.

"Kosmo?" Keith called as he stepped into the hallway of his two bedroom apartment with a shiver.

The husky came running towards him, most likely from the kitchen. Keith smiled and bent down, scratching behind Kosmo's ears.  After a few moments, he stood up fully and made his way into the kitchen to grab a granola bar.

Shiro (6:15 AM) - Dude hurry up before the rink opens to the public.

Keith rolled his eyes before heading back down the hallway to his bedroom. He slipped on his black sweatpants and red hoodie before searching for his charger and keys. He slipped the items into his bag and started to head out the door after filling up Kosmo's food and water.

He made sure to grab a bottle of water before he headed out. He locked the door behind him and headed to his bike.


"Triple axel instead of double there may fix that timing."

Lance stared at his best friend as he said this.

"It would but you know I'm struggling to get enough momentum for that."

Hunk shrugged as he took a sip of his coffee. Lance rolled his eyes before going back out onto the ice. The Cuban was running through his routine when he was distracted by some arguing coming from the lobby.

"I don't understand why you made me get up this early."

"You're acting like I forced you to be here, Keith."

Two males walked into the rink, both carrying duffle bags and hockey sticks. The shorter male, who Lance assumed was Keith, rolled his eyes at the taller male who was with him.

"Oh great, the jocks are here," Pidge, Lance's other friend, said from where she stood overlooking the rink.

"I wasn't aware there were other people here," the taller man said as he looked between Lance, Hunk, and Pidge.

"We must've run over our time we were supposed to be here. Sorry," Hunk laughed awkwardly.

Keith looked up from his phone and made eye contact with Lance. Indigo eyes stared into Lance's ocean blue ones as he skated to the wall.

"We should get going."

"Did you wanna use the rink for a little longer? Keith here still hasn't woken up completely."

"Shiro, respectfully, shut the hell up."

Lance smiled slightly at Keith's attitude towards Shiro. Keith noticed this and rolled his eyes.

"Do you mind if he just runs his routine one more time and we can be out of here," Pidge said as she opened her laptop.

"Not at all, do you want us to wait outside so you can finish?"

"You can stay, I don't mind," Lance finally said.

Keith rolled his eyes as he sat down in one of the chairs, propping his feet up. Lance rolled his eyes before skating back out to the center of the ice.

Pidge pressed play on her laptop and One Last Time by Ariana Grande began to play. Keith looked up from his phone at the odd choice in music for a figure skating routine.

Lance moved flawlessly to the music. Keith sat up, a little more intrigued with this new person. Lance's body seemed to move with little effort as he performed. His blue eyes seemed to hold some kind of story as he made eye contact with Keith as he skated by. Keith was mesmerized to say the least.


"Sorry again for staying so late. We usually pay more attention to the time," Hunk smiled as he grabbed his things.

"It's no problem. Hopefully we'll see you again soon?" Shiro smiled back as he shook Hunk's hand.

"Well the Altea is hosting that send off party tomorrow to showcase the figure skaters. If you'd like to come."

"Oh yeah, we were invited to that too. I was going to have to force Keith to come," Shiro glanced over at the younger male who was still watching Lance as he slipped his normal shoes on, "but it looks like he may have a reason to show up now."

"Great! Can't wait to see you guys there! Hope you liked the performance, pretty boy," Lance said smugly as he winked at Keith.

Keith looked away, heat creeping into his cheeks. He shrugged as he finished up his coffee and began taking his shoes off to change into his skates.

"Whatever," was all Keith said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Bye guys!" Hunk waved as the three friends left the rink.

Male skaters usually aren't taken on by Altea. So why was Lance so special? Keith thought to himself as he laced up his skates. He shook his head to clear the thoughts.

"Ready?" Shiro offered his hand to Keith.

"Yeah.." Keith said, looking in the direction that Lance had left.


A/N: Wowie, first Klance fic I've written. Also first fic on Wattpad. I usually stick to AO3 (DazaisBandages is my username if anyone is interested👀). I'm so sorry the chapter was so weird and short but I promise it'll get better and each chapter will be a little longer than this. I usually try to write up to 1k-2k words for a chapter. I'll try to update every week. Thanks for reading and lmk what you think!

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