A Performance for You

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Lance looked at himself in the mirror of the dressing room. He was currently in a form fitting black shirt and black leggings that flared at the bottoms so he could begin his warmups. He was startled out of his trance as a knock came from the door.

"Lance? Shiro and Keith are here," Hunk called from the other side.

"Coming!" Lance said, rushing to grab his black skates that were connected at the laces.

The Cuban stepped out of the dressing room with the skates slung over his shoulder. Keith and Shiro were chatting with Pidge and Hunk who were leaning on the wall of the rink.

Lance noticed how Keith had dressed up more presentable than he had yesterday. He wore a red button up halfway tucked into some black dress bottoms with black dress boots. He wore his Altea Hockey letterman jacket over that, his hands shoved in the pockets. His usually messy hair was put back in a low ponytail.

"Hey Lance. How are you feeling?" Shiro smiled as Lance approached the group.

Lance shrugged. "Not bad."

Shiro nodded and looked out onto the ice where other skaters were. Lance followed his gaze to a boy with light brown hair and hazel eyes.

"You lookin at Matt?" Lance said with a smirk.

"Matt? As in my brother Matt?" Pidge pushed her glasses up before going back to clutching her laptop.

"Oh, he's your brother?" Shiro blushed and looked at Pidge.

"Sure is. I can go get him for you if you'd like to meet him," Lance suggested as he sat down to begin putting his skates on.

"I think you should."

Everyone turned to Keith who had been silent the entire time. Lance raised a brow as he fought with the laces on his skates. Keith noticed this and bent down to help him.

Lance watched Keith's hands as they adjusted the laces and eventually tied them up, tucking the excess lace into the skate. He began to work on the other one as everyone stayed silent, watching Keith work.

"That good?" Keith said as he stood up, looking down at Lance.

"Oh uh...yeah thank you." Lance cleared his throat and stood up.

Lance made his way to the entrance of the rink. He slipped off his cobalt blue blade covers and held them in his hand, expecting Hunk to be standing behind him to take them from his hands. Instead, his blue eyes met indigo ones. Keith silently held his hand out to take them from Lance.

"Can you ask Hunk to grab me some water? I forgot to bring a bottle," Lance said as he put the covers in Keith's hand.

"You can just have mine," Keith told him as he pocketed the covers.

Lance nodded before heading out onto the ice.


Keith sat in the stands of the rink next to Shiro and Hunk. Pidge was in the sound booth helping the tech team with music.

"Finally, the moment you have all been waiting for! Lance McClain!" The announcer said from the sound booth.

A spotlight came on, following Lance as he skated onto the ice. He wore black velvet pants with a few rhinestones on the waistband. The light blue and white top with rhinestones he wore contrasted against his tan skin. Lance smiled and waved to the crowd as he skated around the rink once before finally landing himself in the middle. The muisc started and so did Lance's body.

Keith watched Lance move elegantly and effortlessly across the ice as he completed each spin and jump. He met eyes with Lance for a moment when Lance winked at him.

Trapped in Lace [Klance AU]Where stories live. Discover now