Ch 24 - Princess

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The next day, Diluc couldn't get his mind off from the whole curse thing. Sure, his friends and his brother have defeated the Abyss Mage and camp who created it, but still, it's not yet over

He was working at the Angel's Share, as he just serves someone a drink, still thinking of who could have been behind the order of the potion

"Anything on your mind?" Kaeya walks in, as he sits down, and asks for Dandelion Wine as Diluc nods, and serves him his drink

Diluc: Well, we might have defeated the Mage who made the potion...

Kaeya: And their camp

Diluc: But part of me is saying there is someone making them do it

Kaeya: As if someone is their leader other than the Abyss Mage?

Diluc: Exactly

Kaeya: Ah, like how I may be captain, but Jean is the true leader? That kind of way?

Diluc: Of course

Kaeya: Hmm...maybe Aether can help with this

Diluc: But -

Kaeya: You need rest, in normal rest, since you're working here for now

Diluc sighs as he nods, "I guess we can let Aether handle this then. He might be able to figure it out himself."


Aether and Paimon notice a blonde male, as Aether immediately recognized him. He walks up to him, "Dainsleif, I guess you're here because you heard of the situation?"

Dainsleif, a blonde male, dark clothing, some blue and black half mask, which is corruption, on his face, and light blue star eyes, like Kaeya's, but is more visible, meaning he was pure Khaenri'ahn

"Yes, I heard, and saw, but that means your sister was nearby or made them do that," Dain says as Aether felt his soul leave his body for half a second

Aether: Lumine...did that...?

Dain: I'm afraid so

Paimon: But...why?!

Dain: Remember, the Abyss Order call her their leader, Princess, and she was probably the one who wanted to do this

Aether: But...this can't be...

Dain: I know you didn't wanted to hear this, and even though you and I know and saw she works for the Abyss, I wasn't expecting for her to go this far

Paimon: But, shouldn't we like...stop her?

Dain: Indeed, but I have no clue where she may be at, or if there are any Abyss Heralds or Lectors nearby in Mondstadt, but she might have gone back to Liyue

Aether: Let me at least say goodbye to my friends

Paimon: Yeah!

Dain: Be quick then. I'll be waiting outside the gates

Aether watches Dain leave as he and Paimon head towards the Angel's Share, where a drunken bard and captain laughed as Diluc just sighs in disbelief

Diluc notices the two and greets them, "You're back. You two seem in a hurry."

Aether explains how Paimon and he had found the source of the problem, but will have to leave immediately, and they didn't need their help

"Ah, I see. Well then, it was good to see you coming back. Remember to visit us. Mondstadt will always welcome you," Diluc lightly bows as Aether and Paimon wave goodbye at their drunkard friends, and head off

Dainsleif waited at the gate, and sees them running, then slowing down as Dain nods, "Let's head off then. Back to the Chasm."


As they made it back to the Chasm, Dainsleif was looking around, as they made it to the Nameless Ruins, where the entire ground was purple, with either poison, or just corruption

A figure, with black clothing and some blue, speaks in a deep, and echoing voice, "You dare come back to seek the Princess?"

Aether growls as he takes out his sword. Dainsleif nods, "Abyss Herald, we must have a word with her."

The enemy just swings a blade, infused with cryo, as Dain and Aether dodge the attack. Paimon stays away from their fight, as the Abyss Herald swings furiously, the blade able to have long reach, but not enough to hit them

Aether, since he can use the elements he has gathered, used electro, then uses a burst of wind as it pushes the Abyss Herald back, slightly stunning him

Dain uses his power, as he makes a grabbing movement with his hand, making it look like he was choking the enemy, as it grabs onto it's neck, seeming as if Dain was crushing it without touching, nor being close

The Abyss Herald summons a cryo shield, as it now had more power, and swings furiously, and jumps, slamming down as a wave of cryo surrounds him, but only travels for a few feet

Aether uses the electro to take off the cryo, as it stuns the enemy once off. Before Dain could finish it off, a blade slash of light stops him as Dain backs away

Aether recognizes the blow, and sees his sister in front of him, as he felt his emotions whirl inside him, not knowing how to feel again like the last time he saw her

Aether: Lumine...

Lumine: Aether, we meet again

Aether: Why did you tell the Abyss Mage to...harm my friend...?

Lumine: It was supposed to be a distraction for you, brother. I cannot have you get in my way of my plan

Aether: Lumine...enough with the nonsense...let's go home...or better yet...let's -

Lumine: I have already traveled this world, but you must reach your limit for me to let you come along

Aether: I'm not joining the Abyss, Lumine! This isn't you!

Lumine: Very well. Let us meet another time, brother

Lumine turns around, as an Abyssal portal was created. Aether runs, hoping this time, he wouldn't miss it like last time, but the Abyss Herald shoots an icicle at him, stopping him from moving further

The portal disappears, as Aether felt a wave of emotions, and looks back at Dain, as he just sighs, "I'm sorry, Aether, but I guess we'll have to find another way to save your sister."

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