C.S Its Not Your Fault

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Background information:

Sofia has been friends with the triplets since the third grade. She has a strong bond with Chris. Now they are 19 years old. Sofia has had feels for Chris since seventh grade. But until now she decides that she wants to tell him about her feels.


The triplets and I are in their house having some time just the four of us. Matt and Nick went out to get more snacks at a store near by. Me and Chris are sitting on the white soft couch.

"So what do you think we should watch once they come back?"
I said while looking down at my phone.

I could see Chris look my way.

"I don't know..."
He paused for a moment.
"Do you have any suggestions?"

"We should definitely watch some type of comedy."
I said while typing on my phone.


I looked in his eyes.
"Chris I have had feelings for you for a really long time..."
I paused before speaking again.
"I've been pushing and hiding these feelings..."
I looked away from his eyes.

"Sofia...I- umm sorry I don't feel the same way."
He said with a soft tone.

At that moment my heart broke. I felt ashamed and embarrassed.

"Sorry that was stupid forget what I said."
I looked at the floor before pulling out my phone.

"It's not your fault."


Matt and Nick got back from the store. They quickly noticed that something was wrong. Usually both Chris and Sofia would be loud and talkative but this time was different. Both sat there in silence. Matt and Nick didn't think much of it. They put on a movie and placed the snacks on the table.

Sofia left shortly after the movie ended.

"Chris what happened?"
Nick said after a few minutes after Sofia left.

"What do you mean?"
Chris said confused.

"When me and Matt got back y'all weren't talking."

"Oh that..."
Chris said not wanting to talk about it and just forgot about the whole situation.

Matt said curious.

"So basically she told me she likes me."
Chris said looking at Matt and Nick.

"And I'm just going to assume that you don't like her back."
Nick said.

Chris sighed.

"I mean if you don't feel that way. It's not your fault. I mean that's how it is."
Matt said softly.

"I guess you're right but I still feel bad."
Chris looked down at the floor back to his brothers.


Finished writing this on: January 1, 2024

Proof read on: January 1, 2024

Posted on: January 1, 2024

Photo Credit to: @ glechner1132 on Pinterest

Hey so I'm going to write more but I really wanted to publish this. So I will be adding more to this. And I hoped y'all liked it.

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