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"His eyes were the sweetest stars I've ever seen."

Lian's pov:

Sitting on my bed , tired of the hectic day , I let out a heavy sigh, I was pissed off since morning when I saw kuea with him , I cannot, I couldn't, I can't see him being this close to someone I hate that , it makes me feel something burning up massively inside me, I don't want to fucking lose my temper so I choose to leave instead,
I lost my appetite, it was already night time , dinner was ready and I was informed but I would rather avoid it , I won't go to see kuea with him again,
I tend to respect my brother cause he is older than me but I won't be able to control my temper if my sight will caught them both together, I know it , I fucking know it that they might have spend the whole day together but I cannot witness it I cannot see it ,
I was avoiding kuea too , when I was coming here to my room he greeted me and passed his bright smile, addressing me as "Hia" I cannot deny that I love it when he address me like this but he has to suffer for making me mad like this , I was pissed for the whole day , he stood dumbfounded when I avoided him not sparing a glance at him , I came straight to my room.

Kuea don't know yet what type of person my brother is , why I don't like him , why I don't want to talk to him , why I don't want kuea to be near him , it has a reason! He is not as kind as kuea thinks , I need to teach that little one before my brother uses him for his own sake ...

...........End of Lian's pov.

Kuea's pov :

I was thinking about hia's behaviour this morning, he was acting suspicious, I didn't get what it was , I already forgiven him because if I think of it , it was actually my mistake too ,
The way he smells , the way he walks, the way he talk , the way he do everything was running through my mind , it was like he did something to me I can't explain,
The way he hugged me sent me to another dimension ,
The way he looked in my eyes and said
"I'm sorry Nhu " melted my heart right away how could I not forgive him? My heart won't listen....he address me as Nhu for the first time,the first time he talked this softly to me ...
When I was staring deep into his eyes I felt like "His eyes were the sweetest stars I've ever seen."
How could I avoid those beautiful eyes ?
They were shining black with moisture in them and his lashes were adding more beauty in them , the way he was looking at me was enough to send me in haze .

I calmed my thoughts down and took a deep breath, why he would be acting like this ? Did he even ate something? I was being worried I don't know why ....
I felt a urge to approach him and talk about what the matter is ..

"Kuea ." Someone softly called my name in a feminine voice, I turned back to see Mrs.may looking at me with hopeful eyes .... It must be something !

" Is something wrong? You look worried." I asked her as she sighed

"Tell me what's the matter." My curiosity got more and more watching her face .

" Master Lian didn't ate anything from this morning , he refused to have breakfast nor did he ate lunch and he even refused to have dinner."

" Why is that , have you asked him ?" I frowned.... how can someone stay without food , starving for this long!

"I don't know what to do , if any of the staff will approach him he can even fire all of us out of this house , I don't know how to convince him."
Worriness pasted on her face , she loves hia so much , she treats him like she's his mother and look at that ass he doesn't even care about her ...

" Don't you worry , I'll go and tell him to have his food, he can't say no to me ." I said being unbothered by how his mood would be , or what can he possibly do ...

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