Chapter 3: Little Time Left.

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*2 Days until Ragnarok*

*Shiva was walking down the hallway, he was walking fairly quickly so it must be fairly important. He makes it to the end of the hallway and is greeted by a gigantic doorway that seems to be locked by some sort of security seal. From the pockets on his shorts he grabbed a keycard, all chief gods have this in order to enter this room. And swiped it across the seal. The seal broke in half and the door opened up... This was the room where all the 13 Gods who will be fighting in Ragnarok will be discussing certain topics.*

*He entered the room... it was almost completely empty. As it seems most of the God Fighters are busy doing their own thing. There was one big circular table in the middle of the room and 13 thrones surrounding them. 13 Seats for 13 Gods. Tho like I said, it was ALMOST empty... but how come? there was nobody in here- wait....*

"Well what do we have hereeee~" *Shiva heard a voice from the darkness of the room. He had no reaction has he walked towards the darker corners.*

"Are you the only one here Apophis?" *Shiva said sternly. A chuckle can be heard from the dark, and a figure finally emerged from the shadows. The finely dressed God had a large, teethy grin on his face. Has he looked up to the Chief God.*

"You are correct Shiva, and may I add that it is ssssssssssoo painfully dull here... theres no one in this room but Me." *The Serpentine God hissed. His snake like tongue flickering a bit. Shiva scratched his head a bit in annoyance.*

"Ohh? Whatsssss wrong Shiva? where you looking for sssssomeone in particular?" *Apophis asked with a creepy smirk. Shiva can sense something in him.... something malicious.*

"Thats none of your business." *Shiva told Apophis off. Which only made thr vicious god chuckle a bit.*

"Admit it, you dont have any faith in him. That's why you and the rest of your family dont want him fighting." *Apophis whispered into Shiva's ears from behind. Shiva shivered, h-how did he appear that quickly behind him?*

"Silence you damn snake! Tch, I can see why Ra had to imprison you for all those years-"

"*Do. Not. Speak. Of. Him.*" *Apophis said with a smile. But Shiva froze a bit... because beneath the smile. He can sense something.... Anger. A Violent Amount of it, like an all-consuming Wildfire.*

"Tch... Fine, but that gives you no right to so foully of me aswell. I am a Chief God Apep, and it will do you well to remember that." *Shiva demanded from Apophis. Which only made the vile god of the dark yawn.*

"Whatever. I believe Ganesha will be here any second. So if you did wanted to talk to him. I wont stop you." *Apophis informed Shiva. As Apophis escaped into the darkness of the room once more... Shiva for some reason can no longer sense him. Perhaps he went away to another part of the Complex where there is shadows...*

*The door to the meeting room opens. Shiva looked behind him to see a 7'8" tall, muscular Elephant like-God. Aka.... Ganesha.*

"Father." *Ganesha said calmly towards Shiva.*

"Hey theres my guy-" *Before Shiva can finish his sentence. Ganesha interrupted him.*

"Do you wish to stop me from participating like my mothers did?" *Ganesha said coldly towards his own Father. Shiva scratched the back of his head with an awkward expression.*

"N-no. Course not son, I just wanted to check up on you. Thats all." *Shiva assured Ganesha. Ganesha raised his eyebrow... he isn't falling for this shit that Shiva is saying.*

"I see. Perhaps I was too harsh with my assumption father. The other gods of our family, Hanuman, Vishnuu, everyone. Were all so worried about me participating in Ragnarok... its nice to see you supporting my decision." *Ganesha said, his voice dripping with droplets of sarcasm. Shiva didn't catch on however.*

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