Chapter 4: Preparations

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*1 Day before Ragnarok. The moment is nearly upon them, for ALL of them. The tournament to decide Mankind's fate will go underway in just one more day... both Mankind and the Gods have been preparing for this day 1000 years in the making. And now... its so close to finally beginning...*

*In one room. Shiva was with his 3 Wives, Parvati, Kali, and Durga were all discussing things amongst eachother. The subject? Discussing what they think of Ganesha fighting in the Tournament now that the Roster has been settled and there will now be no turning-back... All had... different reactions to the matter. But all with the same reason: They dont want their child to die.*

"I can't believe it... its only one day away from Ragnarok, and in the first round... our own son..." *Parvati struggled to get out words.*

"Will be fighting... there isn't much we can do now tho, Ganesha has already made up his mind one wanting to battle in Ragnarok, and the first round nonetheless..." *Kali somberly said. As she had a hand on her chin and a look of worry in her eyes... the worry of a mother, who may have to carry the burden of a passed young.*

"Cone on you two! Have faith in our boy! He has been waiting for this day to come ever since he saw Shiva fight in the last Ragnarok! Ganesha has been honing his skills and training away the years for this opportunity to come! Frankly, im just as worried as you all. But maybe we should have a bit more trust in his decision." *Durga argued with the other 2. She, along with Shiva. Had some faith in Ganesha winning the first round of Ragnarok.*

"Yes, and remember when we first thought that when Shiva found against Raiden? He nearly died Durga, I think our worried for Ganesha being brutally wounded are justified... or... maybe even worse-"

"Don't say that Kali!" *Durga interrupted the shy destruction goddess before she could get to what she was about to say* "Honestly you two, talk like is only gonna make our child think we don't believe in him! like I said: Have. Faith. in him... I know he's gonna win this... I can feel it." *Durga solemnly said. As she looked to the Screen on the wall where all the Gods who will fight in Ragnarok are showcased. She eyed one name in particular, the name of their Elephant Humanoid Child who was so deadset on fighting in the name of the Hindu Pantheon, with the full blessings and support from the rest of his pantheon.*

"I agree with Durga, but Parvati's and Kali's worries are justified." *Shiva, the husband of the three goddesses and chief god of the hindu pantheon finally chimed in the conversation.* "There is nothing we can do now. Our son has made up his mind... all we can do, is give him our most sincerest support has his parents." *Shiva ended the conversation, his words stern and serious. He has truly matured and grown from the last Ragnarok, no longer as hotheaded or brash as he was 1000 years ago.*

*His three wives looked to him and nodded. As they decided that its best to let Ganesha do what he believes he needs to do, and give him their blessings in his upcoming battle aswell... but... the lingering dread that they feel for the safety of the heir to the Chief God was still present. But with Shiva's words and encouragement... they have surely died down just a little bit.*

*What they didn't know, was that in the other room. Ganesha himself was listening to their full conversation. Overhearing everything they had heard, the Elephant headed God smiled. As now he knows... he knows that his family will have his back and support his choice to fight on their behalf wholeheartedly. Now, it was only fair for the Elephant God to return the favour: By walking out of that Arena Alive... and Victorious.*

"Dont worry... everyone... I'll make you all proud..."

*In the part of the Arena where the Humans reside within to prepare for Ragnarok, the samurai who bested the god Susanoo while peacefully walking down the hallway whistling to himself, the young fighter was trying to find the place where all the food  for all the humans in this part of the complex was being held. He entered one room, thinking it was that room... and it was. But he was greeted by two interesting faces and one familiar face.*

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