Chapter Three: Meet Your Mentees

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Elorra: UH-LORR-UH

Diell: DEE-ELL


Leahna is with us now, just for a little bit. She told us that she had just finished with the tributes, instructing them where they could travel within the train until we reached the Capitol. Now, she says, they are waiting for us--us meaning me and Mags. Leahna briefs me on the tributes for a minute as a means of 'preparation'.

"The boy is Sebastian Abbott, 15 years old, and the girl is Brynne Eskridge, 12 years old. Both are school students; Sebastian is in year nine, and Brynne is in year six," Leahna reviews the basics. "Personality wise, I have gathered the following: Sebastian is calm and calculating. Reflective. You may be able to work with that. Young Brynne is very quiet, but not reclusive. And if anyone can give her that little push, it's you, Finnick."

I'm curious to see what she means by these definitions. "I go to school with Sebastian. He's in my year. But I don't think we've ever spoken before."

"Well, now is your chance!" she exclaims--a bit too excitedly. "You can become not only his teacher, but his friend. Brynne, as well. You are perfect for her."

"I suppose we'll see about that," I say, referencing both of her statements. "When do I meet them?"

"Right now!" Leahna enthuses, clapping her hands together twice. "They are waiting for you--in the same car that you journeyed to the Capitol in, Finnick. All those months ago."

The first image I picture is Peony and me in those big lounge chairs, introducing ourselves and getting to know each other. I wonder if Sebastian and Brynne are doing the same.

I take a deep breath in, then breathe it out. Mags puts her hand on my shoulder--her way of telling me that I've got this.

"Time to make a good first impression," I mutter, mostly to myself. "You'll meet us back here, Leahna?"

She nods. "When it is time, I will come and get you from the tributes' lounge. So make the most of your introductions! Get to know them, make them smile. If anybody can, dear boy, it's you."

I hope she's right.

"Alright," I say. "We'll see you after."

"Ta-ta!" she replies, giving us a quick wave goodbye. Mags and I promptly exit the car and begin to make our way through to the tributes' lounge. I didn't know it was called that until now.

We cross about six or seven cars until I can see Sebastian and Brynne through a sliding door window, sitting in silence. They don't appear to be talking to each other, despite being seated so closely together. Brynne is absent-mindedly staring out the window, but Sebastian isn't. He has his hands folded on top of the table in front of him, staring down at it. Calculating and reflective, as Leahna said.

"Here goes nothing," I whisper. I reach for the handle of the sliding door and pull it open, causing both of them to look at me.

Once both Mags and I are inside, I approach them and sit down on a nearby lounge chair. Neither one says a word, leaving me to speak first. They both watch me attentively.

"Sebastian and Brynne, right?" I rhetorically ask, despite knowing their names already. They both nod. "Right. I'm Finnick Odair. 15. Same as you, right, Sebastian?"

Knowingly, he nods. "Hey there, Finnick."

"Hey yourself," I say. "I'm sorry this happened to you. Neither of you deserve it. But I'm here to help you in any way I can."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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