Jeff's fight with the Rake

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So this is what happened when Jeff dies, hope you enjoy and sorry it came out really late D'X

Jeff's POV

"Hey wanna go to the park?" Siri asked.

"Sure." I said.

"Yay!" Siri giggles and runs out of the mansion. I chuckled and ran out after her.

"Wait up!" I called, but she was nowhere in site, "Siri?"

No response.

"Siri!?" I called again. I heard a cry from the woods so I ran after it. Worry washed over me like a river. A vary long river. I called Siri's name again.

"J-Jeff! Help!" She called back, screaming. Fuck! I ran faster and saw the Rake with my Siri. My Siri. I growled as Rake smacked her with one of his claws, making a long gash in her right cheek. And from what I could tell, it was bleeding pretty badly.

I snarled to myself, reaching for my knife from my hoodie pocket. But it wasn't there. I cursed to myself. Realization hit me like a brick: I forgot it in my room.

I got closer to the Rake, motioning for Siri to stay quiet. She did. I got really close, slowing my pace and throwing a nearby rock at the Rake's head. He (or it) hissed, dropping Siri. I growled, grabbing her and gently pushing her away to safety.

Rake looked at me and smiled. He said, "ah. Hello, Jeffery."

"Fuck off, Rake! Leave us alone!" I yelled.

"I can't do that... Master Zalgo will get her, Jeffery. He will, and he comes."

"Over my dead body!"

"That can be arranged, old friend!" It laughed.

"I am not your friend, you vile piece of shit!"

"No need for such rude language." Rake rushed forward at me and I dodged him."

I threw another rock, hitting him in the head, he quickly recovered and rushed at me again and tackling me into the ground.

"Any last words, Jeffery?" He chuckled.

"...there won't be any last words!" I yelled, kneeing it in the stomach, but it seemed to do nothing!

"Oh sadden me. Now, are you ready to go to sleep?" He asked.

I was about to say something but instead he plunged one of his claws into my stomach, causing me to cough blood.

"S-S....S-Siri......." I stuttered out, "....r-run....t-to........m-mansion......" I looked over to her slowly. Her cheeks dyed with tears. She slowly nodded, and ran.....

So, this is how it ends, huh? I wasn't meant to live a happily ever after... I'm a monster, and I'll die a monster. But she's the one thing that kept me sane. She's the one I love. She's the light in my dark world.
She's my sunshine.

There :3

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