chapter 3

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Today has been different. I had a huge breakfast after so long. Even though according to Mr Sharma we have a huge meeting, to me, it is the same thing over and over again. And I swear I have been sitting here for so long. Where is the CEO of the oh-so-amazing CORE Builders? Is this how they treat their clients?

I opened up messages on my phone and saw a new text from this girl i met a few days ago, at Aarav's party. She was all over me the whole night so i finally gave her what she wanted. And no i'd didnt sleep with her.

The girl from Aarav's party- Do you want to meet up tonight? 😉

I texted her back and stuffed my phone in my pockets when Mr Sharma cleared his throat. He passed me a death glare which he knew didn't work on me, and pointed at the door. I turned my head towards the door, and that is when my eyes were met with a vision of pure beauty. She had long, luscious brown hair cascading down her shoulders, framing her perfectly symmetrical face. Her brown eyes were warm and inviting, and her plump lips were curved into a soft smile.

Mystery girl extended her hand towards me and gave it a good shake as we exchanged pleasantries.

I found myself captivated by her beauty, or was it just her beauty that has me so awestruck?

I don't know how to explain it but i felt this weird connection to her, but as Mr Sharma cleared his throat again which reminded us that we were blatantly staring at each other.

I was curious to know who she was and she began speaking "Good morning everyone, I apologise for the delay. I am Maya Kapoor, CEO of CORE Builders. And I am very delighted to be working with you. Well without any further ado, let's talk about what designs you have in mind shall we?" She passed a flat smile.

Maya Kapoor. Why does that name ring a bell? Maya Kapoor. As in the daughter of Raj Kapoor. Maya Kapoor from school. The popular junior at school. So this is what had become of her. A CEO. Impressive I must say. She doesn't look familiar though. She wore glasses back then, but I'm not sure if it is really her.


Mr Sharma and I talked about some things related to work and about what they wanted their hotel to be like. With of course occasional sentences from Rayan.

I don't know if I'm delusional or something but I'm pretty sure I caught Rayan stealing glances of me a couple of times. God, someone pinch me, is this even happening?

We will work together? This is gonna be a challenge for sure.

I always wondered what he was doing after school. It took me two years to move on from him completely, only to have my heart broken again by one of the few boys I had given it to. But even then, I couldn't help but think about him. After all, we shared a birthday.

Rayan was not just a silly crush, but my first love. I wanted him to be the one and loved him to the extent that I was willing to give up everything, if it meant that I could be with him, that he would be mine. He was my everything, and everything I did was for him, knowingly or unknowingly. I loved him so much that I was afraid to even consider loving someone else. My heart belonged to him, but he was unaware of it. How could he have known? I never told him.

I knew I had changed physically and mentally. I did take care of myself after he graduated because I was sick of having the fake carefree persona. Whenever I used to be around Rayan I had calculated actions but I also used to be the sunshine of people's lives. I would say things without even thinking about it. But who knew that their sunshine had been taken over by the endless gloomy skies?


It is really her. My junior. The way she talks and licks her lips when she's annoyed by someone. And the way she touches her hair a lot when she's confused. And how she looks at me occasionally and gives me a knowing look when Mr. Sharma says something questionable.

God, why is it so hard to believe that this was the same Maya from school, all grown up and even more beautiful than I remembered. I can't be thinking about her this way, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Okay now is your chance. Screw it. Just go to her and ask her out. No, don't ask her out. Just ask her if she wants to have a friendly dinner to catch up. That is so cliche. Calm down. Come on think think. You're not one of those guys who gets all flustered around girls. Man up.

I approached her, "Morning, Miss. Kapoor. Do we know each other? I think I know you from somewhere?" i said awkwardly while amusement sparked across her eyes. Why the hell would I say that? Of course, we know each other.

She chuckled and smiled brightly, but this smile sparkled. It was much different from the smile from before. "Hi, yes we do know each other. We were in the same high school, I'm surprised you remember me! It's been so long," she said, raising her eyebrows in a way that they looked like two birds.

"Now I remember" i paused awkwardly. I think i need to talk to people more often 

"How are you?" she asked again,

"I'm great!" i say extra-extra cheerfully, "How have you been?" i ask,

"I'm good too," she says and that's when the conversation falls out.


"It's been so long, and i was wondering if you would like to grab dinner or something anytime soon, since we'll be working together," i ramble. 

"Why not? so tonight?" she asks, passing a tiny smile again,

"Uh well, I'm sorry but I'm busy tonight, I have plans with someone," I say,

"Oh," she says, her smile fading. "Well does tomorrow work for you?" she asked,

"Yes, for sure," i say, "It was great seeing you Maya. I've almost not met anyone from school after graduation," i say, admitting to the fact that yes i literally have no social life, other than going to random parties my best friend forces me to.

Her eyebrows skyrocket, "Ob my god, me too!" she says, and opens her mouth to say something more when her phone -i suppose- starts to ring.

"I'm so sorry, but i have to take this. It was great seeing you, excuse me," she says and i nod, while she turns on her feet and leaves.

What just happened? And why am i smiling?

do u like the characters and the way that they are around each other?

love you guyssss

1100+ wordss

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