chapter 79 | eagle fang

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Daniel steps up to Johnnys apartment, ready for his Eagle Fang training.

"Come on, Johnny, time to wake up! I'm ready for Eagle Fang training." Daniel calls out. Daniel steps away from the door and turns around, waiting for Johnny to come out.

"That sounded as ridiculous out loud as I thought it would." Daniel whispers to himself.

Just then, Johnny Lawrence's door swings open and Daniel turns around quickly, quite taken aback. Johnny steps out of his apartment, a black headband and Eagle Fang shirt on.

"You sure you're ready?" Johnny questions.

"As I'll ever be." Daniel replies.
Johnny rips the blindfold off Daniel's face, revealing an old and dark warehouse, the new Eagle Fang dojo. There are crates, wooden planks and weights all around the large room.

"What the hell? Where the hell did you take me? An abandoned factory?" Daniel exclaims. "This is how psychos in horror movies act, you know that?"

"You wanna circle around things your whole life?" Johnny questions, completely ignoring Daniel. "Wait for problems to show up at your doorstep? That's not what an eagle does."

Johnny starts circling around Daniel slowly, staring him up and down as he talks. Daniel just watches him closely, a little confused but also not surprised.

"Here, at Eagle Fang, we do not follow. We attack. We lead. We grow into what we were meant to be."

"And what were we meant to be, Johnny?" Daniel asks, not really taking this seriously.

"Men." Johnny states, coming up super close to Daniel. The two men stand face-to-face and look each other up and down.

First, Johnny makes Daniel scoop up rocks and coal from a fire pit onto the ground.

"An eagle embraces the pain! All your life, the world's been trying to make you less of a man. Light beer? Veggie burgers? Automatic transmissions? Might as well let another dude bang your chick!"

Daniel groans as he stops shovelling coal for a moment, and turns to look at Johnny.

"You realise the coals are supposed to be shoveled into the forge, right?" Daniel speaks.

"Don't question me, Newark!" Johnny exclaims angrily. Daniel rolls his eyes playfully and turns back to the coal pit. "Keep shovelling!"

When all the coal is finally shoveled out around the floor, Johnny makes Daniel walk across it. Daniel looks at him like he's crazy, but Johnny just ignores him and yells at him to go.

"Come on, LaRusso! Hurry up!"

Daniel exhales softly before stepping up to the burning coal, half of it literally on fire. Daniel takes a step onto it, making the coal sizzle, and immediately steps away with a grunt.

"Move it! Be aggressive!" Johnny yells.

Daniel looks to Johnny angrily before turning around and stepping on the coal. He practically runs across it, making painful noises every time his foot makes of contact with the burning rocks. When he makes it to the end, Johnny smiles softly and claps a little.

"Good job, LaRusso. But we are only just beginning..."

Next up, Johnny makes Daniel do fifty push-ups on his knuckles. Daniel starts with ten, going extremely slowly, then quickly sits up and shakes his hands in pain.

"Toughen up those soft hands. Push!" Lawrence shouts from the sidelines, a beer in his hand.

Daniel immediately goes back to doing push-ups when Johnny shouts at him. Pain and struggle is all over his face.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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