chapter 4

295 31 31

-listen to halley's comet and no time to die by billie eilish for way better vibes


Plans with someone? My goodness, this man. At least he hasn't lost his confusing actions over the years. First, you'll ask me for dinner then you'll say you have plans?

Calm down it's normal for people to do things like that, and here I was already brewing new scenarios in my head. Well, my therapist suggested that I focus on finding the positive in things so maybe this is for the better.

What really makes me wonder is why was Rayan so flustered. He is never like that. Maybe he changed. But really, did he need to have a someone the moment when I finally got a chance to be with him even if it was just for work? What am I saying?

My only good getaway is Amara. She's the only person who can save me from myself.

I called her but she didn't pick it up. I got worried but she called me back within a second.

"Hi babe, how are you?"

"Hi Amie, im good but I have to tell you something so pick you up in 5?"

"You know it"

* * *

"Hi babyyy" and she pulled me in another one of her bone-crushing hugs and this time I hugged her back with equal pressure.

"How are you? Why did you need to tell me? Quick I'm like really curious"

"Okay, so remember how I told you about this new company I'm signing a contract with? Yeah well apart from Mr Sharma, I met the other owner. And uhm he's-" she cut me off

"Wait. Are you-"

"Amara, no. It's him. Rayan Malhotra is Rayan Malhotra,"

"What? The guy you same guy from your high school?"

flashback {these are two diary entries of Maya}

5th May

Dear Diary,

I think I'm going crazy, every time I'm alone and I have nothing to do my brain drifts back to him. I dreamt of him last night and my heart beating was beating so fast when I woke up.

Rayan has become my whole world, my love, my everything. Whenever I'm with him, I feel like I'm living in a fairy tale, a world where nothing else matters except the two of us.

Every time I see him, my heart backflips and I feel like I'm on top of the world. His hair, his eyes, his smile - everything about him makes me want to hold him close and never let go. When he looks at me, it's like I'm the only person in the world that matters.

I know that I love him more than anything else in the world, and I can't imagine ever being without him. Why do I love him? That I don't know. Maybe it's the way he makes me laugh or the way he brushes hair off my face well, whatever it is, I know that I will never stop loving him. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever.

I feel like a lover girl, lost in the magic of his love. And I know if we will ever be together, nothing can ever break us apart.


(2nd Diary entry)

18th July

Dear Diary,

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