an angel

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       When you sulked back through the door of Aunt Juniper's house an hour later, she immediately knew something was wrong. You told her everything; you two discussed and decided together that you'd still live with her, just until you could find a place of your own. You were thankful the cost of living was way lower over here than on the east coast.

As the day drug on, you found yourself getting more and more unreasonably upset with Eddie. Then even more upset with yourself. You knew how unfair your thinking was, but you couldn't help it. He'd broken your heart without the slightest clue; you had to mourn your potential alone. You could never confess how you felt for him now, and instead you'd have to witness him going away to school and meeting someone better for him than you. You racked your brain for how you could detach from him before he left on the 12th, just ten days away. What could you do to rid your heart of him? Those eyes, those enchanting dimples and knee-weakening smile, the way he kissed--

Your phone rang: Steve. Bingo.


    "Please don't drink all of this today," Aunt Juniper handed you an unopened bottle of Captain Morgan. You'd asked for the ginger spiced edition, but this was all she could find. You were grateful anyway. "If not for me, for yourself. Remember how your head felt the last time you drank."

"What were you doing at my age?" you grinned, taking the bottle.

"Exactly what you'll do if you drink this whole thing, ya jerk," she retorted, fighting a smile.

She was headed out for a day trip with Simon, something about sight-seeing a few cities over. He was her official boyfriend now-- at least one of you got to be with who you wanted. He'd promised to be there for her at noon, which was just a few minutes away, and have her back sometime after 8. And Steve would be there at 3. When he'd called last night, initially he was only checking up on you, but after the day you'd had, you ended up talking his ear off. You figured you had the house to yourself and nothing to lose, and he already had the disclaimer that you didn't live here -- as far as he knew -- so you invited him over. He eagerly accepted and the two of  you settled on a time pretty quickly.

"Have fun, post pictures!" you called after your aunt, who was happily plopping down into Simon's passenger seat. She waved back until she needed to buckle her seat belt as he started driving off.

Back inside, you turned the old-time stereo up and decided on a couple drinks before Steve got there; it sure did help you loosen up last time.

The hours passed slow; you tried to check your phone as little as possible. Eddie had been texting you throughout the day so far -- you ignored them all. You wanted no reminders of him, and you certainly wouldn't be seeing him off in a few days like his messages requested. It hurt to see his texted smiley faces turn to frowning ones, and you wondered if he was blaming himself and wondering why you were essentially ghosting him. You put your phone on silent and took a second shot. The sooner he was away and you could get over him the better. Hell, maybe you really would end up with Steve.

3pm finally hit, and there was a knock at the door not a minute later. Anxiety knotted your stomach as you flattened some hair to your head and adjusted your clothes. You stood quickly, and nearly fell right back down; you hadn't quite been keeping track of how much rum you'd been consuming.

You threw your left hand into the air as you opened the front door with your right, "Woohoo! You're here."

Steve stood with a confused expression, but a small smile on his lips nonetheless. "Yeah," he stepped in, looking you over. "Are you okay?"

"I'm super okay actually," you slurred. You only noticed he'd brought you a small bunch of yellow flowers when he set them on the high-top dining room table. It was touching, truly. You sauntered over to hook your arm in his and lay your head on his shoulder. "And you're super cute."

You were less than wasted but more than tipsy, at the moment, it felt like a great in between. You knew what you were saying, but would never have the guts to say it sober. It wasn't like you were just lying.

"Okay," he chuckled, putting a hand each on your shoulders. "You're clearly not sober."

You feigned offense, mouth ajar and hand over your heart. "I may not be 100% sober, but even when I am, I'm still attracted to you." You batted your eyes up at him. "You... aren't attracted to me?"

He gulped and avoided eye contact as he put his hands over top of yours, which had been sliding over his chest. "I think we should talk about that some other time."

You huffed and rolled your eyes, taking a few steps back to land on the couch, and he followed. God, why did he have to be being such a gentleman? Why couldn't he be an inconsiderate asshole like 95% of other guys?

Sitting next to you, he said, "I didn't know you liked... things like this."

You knew he was referring to the alcohol, but instead of correcting him, you said, "I like all kinds of things you wouldn't expect. Like you." You crawled over to you were laying across his lap. "I like you."

"I... like you too," he spoke hesitantly, trying to keep his smile polite. He seemed uncomfortable with your current position of blinking slowly up at him from his lap.

"Then what's wrong?" You furrowed your brows momentarily and gave your best attempt at a seductive voice, "you don't want me?"

"Y/N," he gulped and looked to the ceiling. "Please."

The regretful desperation in his voice snapped you back to reality enough to sit up from his lap. You finally pulled your wandering hands from his gentle grip. "I'm so sorry," you roughly rubbed your eyes. "Am I crazy?"

"I wouldn't say crazy," relief was evident in his voice. "How about I just sit here with you, and you can put on whatever you want?"



You thought a moment, a smirk tugging one side of your mouth up, "Even Vampire Diaries?"

His lips went into a line, "If you must."

Your vision blurred with tears; not only did he refuse to touch you while you weren't sober despite apparently being attracted to you, but then he validated you and was going to sit a with you until you felt normal again.

"You must be an angel," you murmured, slumping on his shoulder again as he handed you the remote.

"I try," he patted the top of your hand with his, and eventually let it rest there.

You felt so calm and safe at this moment. Your eyes blinked slower and slower at the episode, until finally they stayed shut and you slipped into sleep.

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