Chapter 2

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It was safe to say Steve was pissed.

Well pissed for Steve.

He's really upset... and I mean, I am, too. The guy that murdered Director Fury was gone, and we have no idea where he went or why he killed him.

Nat is the most upset, though. We had to practically drag her out of the room where Fury lied dead. She was basically interrogating me and Steve, asking us why he was in our apartment, what he said to us, etc etc. After she was done, she stormed off and told Steve he was a terrible liar. Once she was gone, Steve and I started talking about everything and what we thought was going on. We both agreed something was up and to take the director's advice to be careful who we trust.

He was called back to SHIELD, but before he left, he gave me the hard drive Fury had given him back at the apartment. He was very clear when he gave it to me, "Do not lose it. Keep it safe. And whatever you do, don't tell anyone you have it. "

I nodded. "I know, I know. I'll keep it safe."

He started to turn around but then turned back to me and pulled me in a tight hug. "Be careful, please."

"I will don't worry." I said, returning the hug.

Steve and I have been best friends ever since we met, and he's became.. well, a brother to me. We just hit it off, I guess. He says I remind him of what his life was like before, like in the 40s. He thinks I'm different from most people now and that I actually have manners. And that was a total shock for him, considering I'm a Stark. When he told me that it made me laugh... a lot.

After we said our goodbyes, I decided to go home and maybe clean up the mess from last night.

As soon as I walked through the door, my nose was filled with the horrible smell of blood.


I grabbed cleaning supplies and quickly started cleaning the floors. They were soaked, and let's just say after this, I didn't have to do arms for a while.

They felt like noodles.

Once I was done, I put everything away and got in the shower to clean up.

After I finished my shower, I put on a fresh set of clothes. Just some black leggings and a gray hoodie. Almost as soon as I'm dressed, I hear a knock at the door.

I just ignore it. I don't like answering the door when I'm alone.

Then I hear it again, but a little louder this time. They must really want something. I still ignore it, though, and go to check my phone.

I have 3 missed calls from Steve and a bunch of texts saying, "Get off the grid. "SHIELD is after us."

This made me panic. I grabbed my small emergency backpack with the bare necessities already packed and quickly stuck the drive in one of the pockets. When I walked out my door, I was faced with Him.

The guy that killed Fury.

oh wow. he really is tall, he towers over. That's definitely not scary.

He's in all black, knives and guns strapped anywhere they could be on his suit. I can't see his whole face he has a black mask on over his nose and mouth.

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