🎄💕I want this...💕🎄

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This oneshot will not include any smut.

This oneshot contains the following:

》Kissing ▪︎ Cuddling ▪︎ Boy×Boy ▪︎ Christmas《

🎄Merry Christmas!🎄

Summary: You and your boyfriend Miguel decided to have a movie night to celebrate your 3 year Christmas anniversary.

|You can choose whatever song you want for this oneshot♡|

Translations will be at the end of the oneshot.

"Miguel! Get that fine ass in here!"

I had the entire place ready for this Christmas anniversary tonight and I had to leave the room to grab something.

I come back to a giant mess. The food is everywhere, the blankets are a mess, things are knocked over and my favorite vase is broken.

I could feel my heart break when I see that vase. It was made by my mother's own hands. She gave it to me when I was only a little kid.

This is probably the worst anniversary ever...

Miguel runs into the room and his eyes widen once he sees the mess. He looks at me and he sees the angry present on my face.

He sighs and he puts his hands on his hips. I cross my arms and I look at the mess.

"Please, do not get mad at hi-"

"It was fucking Oscar! Why wouldn't I be mad at him?!"

I cross my arms, looking over at Oscar, our cat, with anger and annoyance.

He sighs and rubs his temples due to the headache I am giving him.

I see this and I calm down immediately, not wanting to upset him any further.

I hate seeing him upset...

"Can you please help me clean this up?" I ask him softly and he gives me a slight nod.

I give him a small smile and I start to clean up some food that was spilled all over the ground.

He cleans up some other mess and stay silent the whole time. I walk over to the vase and I start carefully pick up the pieces.

He sees me picking up the vase and goes over to help me. He picks up some small pieces and I pick up the bigger pieces.

We put the vase in a little bin and we pick up the rest of the place.

We fix the blankets and pillows while also pick up anything knocked over and not broken.

We also fix the Christmas tree up since some of the ornaments fell off while we were cleaning, and we turn the on the lights on the tree.

He sits down on the couch, breathing heavily from all of the cleaning.

I turn off the lights in the living room so the tree can stick out more.

Oscar jumps onto Miguel's lap and lays down, purring.
He tries to move him but fails when he sees how comfy Oscar is.

I sigh and I grab the remote from the coffee table, turning on the TV.

I sit down on the couch and I click Netflix. Miguel carefully scoots over to me with Oscar in his lap and he wraps his arm around my shoulders.

I lean into his touch and I pick the Christmas movie we had planned to watch.

I look at Oscar for a moment before looking at the movie.

He sighs quietly and he looks at me.
"We don't have to do thi-"
"I want this..."

He takes a deep breathe and nods, seeing that having this anniversary is probably a better idea.

I cuddle up with Miguel and Oscar starts to purr louder when I start to pet him.

The main part of the movie starts and I start to watch it with Miguel. I rest my head on his shoulder and he rests his head on mine.

We continue to watch the movie and I can see Miguel starting to get tired.

I put a hand on his chest and his body relaxes a bit.

I have been with Miguel for 3 years and he has always been there for me.

He has anger issues though and I always find a way to get him mad.

I love him but sometimes I wonder why he is even with me.

Oscar gets up from his spot on Miguel's lap and he comes over to mine.

He gets comfy on my lap for a split second before starting to make biscuits on my thighs.

His claws keep digging into my skin so I pick him up and I place him down Miguel's lap again.

Miguel starts to pet him and I go back to watching to the movie.

I watch the movie for a couple of minutes before looking over at the stockings me and Miguel put up.

This is our third Christmas together and I always want to make it special for us.

I look at over at Miguel and he is already looking at me.

He had a warm smile plastered on his face and I can't help but smile back at him.

He leans in and places a soft kiss on my lips. I smile from his kiss and I look into his eyes.

His eyes are shining with tons of love and affection for me.

I smile softly and I kiss him. He kisses back and we keep the kiss going for a bit.

I slowly pull away from the kiss and he leans back a bit.

I sit back on the couch and I go back to watching the movie.

Oscar jumps off his lap and runs off to who knows where.

Miguel lays down on the couch and I lay on top of him, taking in his warmth.

He grabs a blanket from the stand and puts it over us.

I nuzzle my head into his chest as he puts a pillow underneath his head for comfort.

I yawn and I close my eyes, wanting to fall asleep on him.

He puts his arms under the blanket and he wrap the around me.

I relax even more when I feel his arms around me and I start to fall asleep.

He watches the movie until the end and he sees that I have fallen asleep.

He smiles and grabs the remote off the coffee table and turns off the TV before putting it back.

He gets comfy and then closes his eyes as well, falling asleep.

This has been the best but worst Christmas ever.

All I can say is..

Merry Christmas.


This was supposed to be posted a week ago but I completely forgot about it.

Thanks to whoever I mentioned for the idea.

I wanted to make it Christmas edition.

Please excuse any mistakes.

Bye Bye - Goofy 💕

Miguel O'Hara and Oscar Isaac OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now